========Name of victim========
Name: Micheal Pavin
========Age of victim========
Age: 22
========Reason of Dox========
Reason of dox: Committing Cyber Related crimes online to teenagers and making them commit suicide or self harm
Location: Holgate Ohio 
========Online Accounts========
Instagram: Ploitings 
Snapchat: reiserloh (disabled)

Old Password: UHac3eix80

Security Question:

What is your mother's maiden name?


More Info:
-He's experimenting with Parrot OS trying to hack websites databases

-Criminal charges: None 

-Mastercard x-(353)•••-•••-••545
-CVV2: 495
-Expiry: 05/2021

-Systems Architecture Developer currently working on a temporary visa

-Studied Computer science
2545 Davis Place
Holgate, OH 43527