Facepic: https://gyazo.com/a1edd630b422fe6b24877f3204618dca
Age: 39 Born in 1983
Phone number: +1 734-431-1045
Carrier: Verizon Wireless
House Adress: 314 W Madison St Ann Arbor, MI 48103
IP: Unknown
Assignment: Unknown
Alive or dead: Alive
House Details
House pic: https://gyazo.com/31ef08f7e7df63fa3aa19198ad158b45 
Lot Area: 3,049 SQ FT.
Parking: 0 (Space)
House type: Single Family
Year built: 1910
Total interior living space: 1,182 SQ FT.
Heating: Forced Air
Cooling: Wall
Exterior features: Metal
District: Ann Arbor
Sidenote: Why didn't I include siblings/wife? Due to doxbin TOS. I'm not able to add any of
their info. + they don't deserve to be added onto here, Hopefully you understand.
Additional info:
This came from the person who confronted him in-public.

"Due to myself and a few others sending this video to Canton PD, I've been in contact with a detective and was told that they pulled up this individuals info and were going to confront him at his home and maybe get CPS involved. I still have yet to be updated on the situation but will let you guys know when I hear something further.
P.S. no, this video is not fake or staged or anything. I can't believe some people in the comments think that. I mean imagine willingly showcasing yourself as a pedophile on camera for potentially thousands of people to see."
Original Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1NNS-rjjTI&ab_channel=SkeeterJean
JiDion's Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgtQhee2Sxc&t=362s&ab_channel=JiDionPremium
Anyways, hopefully everything in this doxx is correct, feel free to DM me on discord and point out
any errors that I may have made.
Anyways, Have a nice one. Don't be a pedo or else you're gay.