0x01...... Basic Info                                           ~ contact t.me/cultfed
                                              0x02...... Email Info
                                              0x03...... Social Media
                                              0x04...... Family
                                              0x05...... Court Records
                                              0x06...... Housing

       Reason: Existing, Fun, Black, Bc good osint

                                   ██████╗  █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██████╗    ██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ 
                                   ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║██╔════╝    ██║████╗  ██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗
                                   ██████╔╝███████║███████╗██║██║         ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗  ██║   ██║
                                   ██╔══██╗██╔══██║╚════██║██║██║         ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝  ██║   ██║
                                   ██████╔╝██║  ██║███████║██║╚██████╗    ██║██║ ╚████║██║     ╚██████╔╝
                                   ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝    ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝   https://rain•kys.xyz/
                         Full Name:                 Michael James Kring
                         Sex:                       Male
                         Ethnicity:                 African American/Mixed

                         IRL:                       https://z.zz.fo/QZKB5.jpg • Old Picture
                                                    https://z.zz.fo/JHvGH.jpg • Ugly ass old picture
                                                    https://z.zz.fo/oa9RU.jpg • Ugly ass little nigga
                                                    https://z.zz.fo/7KzJs.png • Cringe Fuckboy
                         Number:                    +1 (484) 513 6302
                                                      Carrier: Verizon Wireless:6006 • SVR/2  
                                                      Status: Connected                  / instagram.com
                                                      Type: Mobile                      [] amazon.com
                                                      SMS: 4845136302@vtext.com           \
                                                      MMS: 4845136302@vzwpix.com

                         Devices:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Home, OnePlus OnePlus3T, OnePlus OnePlus5 

                         Address:                   5 WEST 6TH STREET POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES 

                         IP:                        2601:46:4400:bfa0:da3:bbfc:f7a1:54c

                         MAC:                       02B9B33C1DE5

                         Language:                  English

                         County:                    Montgomery County


                                ███████╗███╗   ███╗ █████╗ ██╗██╗         ██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ 
                                ██╔════╝████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██║██║         ██║████╗  ██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗
                                █████╗  ██╔████╔██║███████║██║██║         ██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗  ██║   ██║
                                ██╔══╝  ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║██║██║         ██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝  ██║   ██║
                                ███████╗██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║  ██║██║███████╗    ██║██║ ╚████║██║     ╚██████╔╝
                                ╚══════╝╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝    ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚═╝      ╚═════╝ 


                          • [C] Email: my6200554@gmail.com              /
                          • [C] Name:  michael young                   /
                          • [C] GoogleID:  100101941719833388663      [] N/A
                          • [C] Status: Active                          \
                          • [C] Recovery: kse••••••••@gmail.com
                          • [C] Password: myttvmjnk78

                          • [C] Email: cantremembershitit!@gmail.com    /
                          • [C] Name:                                  / oculus.com
                          • [C] GoogleID:                             [] ello.co
                          • [C] Status: Inactive                       \
                          • [C] Password: iforgotthispassword

                          • [C] Email: mkring456@gmail.com              /
                          • [C] Name: michael kring                    / discord.com
                          • [C] GoogleID: 103124462761421466798       [] twitter.com unity.com (Mjnk23tommy27)
                          • [C] Status: Active                         \ botisimo.com linkvertise.com (SN@*FXhARf9Sb9D)
                          • [C] Device Login: OnePlus OnePlus3T         \
                          • [C] Password: mjnk23tommy27 

                          • [C] Email: m.kring1@student.boyertownasd.org   /
                          • [C] Name: Michael James Kring                 /
                          • [C] GoogleID: 106473916644595556234          [] boyertownasd.org
                          • [C] Status: Active                            \
                          • [C] Password: basd105024

                          • [C] Email: sky7855@outlook.com                /
                          • [C] Name:                                    /
                          • [C] GoogleID:                               [] login.live.com
                          • [C] Status: Inactive                         \
                          • [C] Recovery: ********02     
                          • [C] Password: mjnk23tommy27

                          • [C] Email: gizmogizme@outlook.com            /
                          • [C] Name:                                   /   
                          • [C] GoogleID:                              [] login.live.com
                          • [C] Status: Inactive                       \
                          • [C] Recovery: ********33                    \
                          • [C] Password: gizmo2020

                          • [C] Email: skyscull185@gmail.com             /
                          • [C] Name: Sky Scull                         / samsung.com
                          • [C] GoogleID: 102388126879212780608        [] discord.com wattpad.com nvidia.com
                          • [C] Status: Inactive                        \ spotify.com
                          • [C] Password: 5,E)G*,u+acp>FN                \

                          • [C] Email: viiper312@gmail.com              /
                          • [C] Name: viip er                          / discord.com
                          • [C] GoogleID: 105681895057812293143       [] amazon.com
                          • [C] Status: Active                         \ pinterest.com
                          • [C] Device Login: OnePlus OnePlus5


                                ███████╗ ██████╗  ██████╗██╗ █████╗ ██╗         ███╗   ███╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ █████╗ 
                                ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔════╝██║██╔══██╗██║         ████╗ ████║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║██╔══██╗
                                ███████╗██║   ██║██║     ██║███████║██║         ██╔████╔██║█████╗  ██║  ██║██║███████║
                                ╚════██║██║   ██║██║     ██║██╔══██║██║         ██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══╝  ██║  ██║██║██╔══██║
                                ███████║╚██████╔╝╚██████╗██║██║  ██║███████╗    ██║ ╚═╝ ██║███████╗██████╔╝██║██║  ██║
                                ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝    ╚═╝     ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝
                         > Roblox:

                         > Twitter:

                         > Discord:
                            viiPeRz#9426 [932495631002505246]

                            スカイハント#3771 [944781609608040448]
                         > Facebook:

                        > Instagram:

                        > Other: 


                                ███████╗ █████╗ ███╗   ███╗██╗██╗  ██╗   ██╗
                                ██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██║██║  ╚██╗ ██╔╝
                                █████╗  ███████║██╔████╔██║██║██║   ╚████╔╝ 
                                ██╔══╝  ██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║██║██║    ╚██╔╝  
                                ██║     ██║  ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║███████╗██║   
                                ╚═╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝

                        Full Name:         Jennifer Lynn Kring (Mother)
                        DOB:               June 25th, 1989
                        Age:               32

                        Sex:               Female

                        Ethnicity:         Caucasian
                        SSN:               159-72-••••

                        DLN:               K652-432-89-725-• (Unconfirmed)

                        IRL:               https://z.zz.fo/lbz0D.png - Mommy Cleavage
                                           https://z.zz.fo/8I97w.png - Kinda hot
                                           https://z.zz.fo/7t0r9.png - With Micheal as a baby

                        Facebook:          https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071470615399

                        Number:            +1 (484) 949-8152
                                              Carrier: Comcast
                                              Status: Connected
                                              Type: Landline
                                            +1 (484) 390-9816
                                              Carrier: Sprint-Nextel
                                              Status: Connected
                                              Type: Landline
                                            +1 (484) 300-3109              /
                                               Carrier: T-Mobile          / amazon.com
                                               Status: Connected         [] instagram.com
                                               Type: Wireless             \
                                               SMS: 4843003109@tmomail.net
                                               MMS: 4843003109@tmomail.net
                        Address:            5 WEST 6TH STREET POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES
                                                   https://z.zz.fo/ZlqE7.png - Proof of residence

                                            • [B] Email: jenny.kring@yahoo.com                       /
                                            • [B] Name:                                             / myspace.com (user: 475464260)
                                            • [B] GoogleID: 110439145788147493002                  [] last.fm.com (https://www.last.fm/user/jennykring)
                                            • [B] Status: Active                                    \
                                            • [B] Recovery: j*****ng@gmail.com (+1 (4**) ***-**83)   \
                                            • [B] Password: holla69

                                            • [B] Email: italianb@prodigy.net           /
                                            • [B] Name:                                [] N/A
                                            • [B] GoogleID:                             \
                                            • [B] Status: Inactive

                                            • [B] Email: jennykring@gmail.com           /
                                            • [B] Name: jenny kring                    / twitter.com (https://twitter.com/jennykring)
                                            • [B] GoogleID: 100132661725288530158     [] adobe.com
                                            • [B] Status: Active
                                            • [B] Recovery: (•••) •••-••88

                                            • [B] Email: jenny.kring@yahoo.com         /
                                            • [B] Name:                               /
                                            • [B] GoogleID: 110439145788147493002    [] last.fm
                                            • [B] Status: Inactive                   \

                                            • [B] Email: jenny.kring@aol.com         /
                                            • [B] Name:                             /
                                            • [B] GoogleID:                        [] N/A
                                            • [B] Status: Inactive                 \


                        Full Name:          Karen L Young
                        DOB:                November 30th, 1961
                        Age:                60

                        Sex:                Female

                        Ethnicity:         Caucasian

                        SSN:               164-36-•••• (Unconfirmed)

                        IRL:               https://z.zz.fo/V3P0d.png - Old Bitch
                                           https://z.zz.fo/YA9Ga.png - With the fam
                        Facebook:          https://www.facebook.com/karenstuff2

                        Number:            +1 (484) 624-8147
                                              Carrier: Comcast
                                              Status: Connected
                                              Type: Landline
                                            +1 (610) 823-2865                 /
                                               Carrier: Verizon Wireless     /
                                               Status: Unsure               [] amazon.com
                                               Type: Wireless                \
                                               SMS: 6108232865@vtext.com
                                               MMS: 6108232865@vzwpix.com
                        Address:            7 Beech St. Apt A2 Pottstown, PA 19464+5461

                        Email:              • [B] Email: kly262@gmail.com             /
                                            • [B] Name:  Kim Ly                      /
                                            • [B] GoogleID: 105893195326280294549   [] N/A
                                            • [B] Status: Active                    \

                                            • [B] Email: klyoung47@yahoo.com                        /firefox.com 
                                            • [B] Name: Karen Young                                / amazon.com
                                            • [B] GoogleID: 108922068368347669880                 [] adobe.com sharethis.com (user: 13811991084ed7a2f6b5e9d)
                                            • [B] Status: Inactive                                \  instagra.com spotify.com
                                            • [B] Recovery: k******07@gmail.com (+1 (484) ***-**02)\ pinterest.com
                                            • [B] Creation Date: 2011-12-01 15:53:26


                             ██████╗ ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗██████╗ ████████╗    ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗
                            ██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██║   ██║██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝    ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝
                            ██║     ██║   ██║██║   ██║██████╔╝   ██║       ██████╔╝█████╗  ██║     ██║   ██║██████╔╝██║  ██║███████╗
                            ██║     ██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██╗   ██║       ██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║     ██║   ██║██╔══██╗██║  ██║╚════██║
                            ╚██████╗╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║       ██║  ██║███████╗╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██║  ██║██████╔╝███████║
                             ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝       ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

                       Case #2010-16256
                       Case Number	2010-16256
                       Commencement Date	6/21/2010
                       Case Type	Judgment/Fines/Costs & Restitution
                       PFA Number	
                       Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                       Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                       Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                       Status	1 - OPEN
                       Sealed	No
                       Interpreter Needed	
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                       NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                       Select	KRING, JENNY	200 MAPLEWOOD DR
                       APT F-4
                       POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Docket Entries 
                       Select 	0		6/21/2010	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	7942664
                       Select 	1		6/21/2010	Notice 236 Required Document Mailed		No	7942665
                       	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY	6/21/2010	1,120.50
                       Picture: https://z.zz.fo/LbvxD.png

                       Case #2009-30268
                       Case Number	2009-30268
                       Commencement Date	9/23/2009
                       Case Type	Judgment/Fines Costs & Restitution
                       PFA Number	
                       Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                       Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                       Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                       Status	1 - OPEN
                       Sealed	No
                       Interpreter Needed	
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                       NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                       Select	KRING, JENNY	200 MAPLEWOOD DR
                       APT F-4
                       POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Docket Entries 
                       Select 	0		9/23/2009	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	7601471
                       Select 	1		9/23/2009	Notice 236 Required Document Mailed		No	7601472
                       	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY	9/23/2009	2,763.95
                        Picture: https://z.zz.fo/MhOad.png

                        Case #2012-10362
                        Case Number	2012-10362
                        Commencement Date	4/25/2012
                        Case Type	Complaint for Custody/Visitation
                        PFA Number	
                        Caption Plaintiff	YOUNG, KAREN
                        Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                        Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                        Status	2 - OPEN
                        Judge	HILLES
                        Remarks	(EMERGENCY)
                        Sealed	No
                        Interpreter Needed	
                        Select	YOUNG, KAREN	POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Select	KRING, JENNY	EAGLEVILLE, PA 19408 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Select	CARTER, BERTHA	COATSVILLE, PA 19320 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	2
                        Select	CARTER, VERNICE	COATSVILLE, PA 19320 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	3
                         Docket Entries 
                        Select 	0		4/25/2012	Complaint for Custody/Visitation	(EMERGENCY)	No	8835970
                        Select 	1		4/25/2012	Notice to Attend Parenting Seminar		No	8835971
                        Select 	2		4/25/2012	Petition To Proceed In Forma Pauperis		No	8835972
                        Select 	3		4/27/2012	Notice to Attend Mediation		No	8839860
                        Select 	4		4/27/2012	Order Grant IFP Filing Fees Only	OF 4/27/2012 ALBRIGHT, J.	No	8839861
                        Select 	5		5/3/2012	Affidavit/Certificate of Service of	CUSTODY PETITION ON 4/30/2012 TO JENNY KRING & VERNICE CARTER	No	8846614
                        Select 	6		5/7/2012	Order	OF 5/7/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8851704
                        Select 	7		5/10/2012	Order	OF 5/9/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8857562
                        Select 	8		5/10/2012	Order	OF 5/9/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8857591
                        Select 	9		5/10/2012	Order	OF 5/9/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8857592
                        Select 	10		5/10/2012	Order	OF 5/9/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8857593
                        Select 	11		5/10/2012	Order	OF 5/9/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8857614
                        Select 	12		5/10/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF KAREN YOUNG	No	8857741
                        Select 	13		5/10/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF KAREN YOUNG FOR *PRO SE*	No	8857742
                        Select 	14		5/10/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF VERNICE CARTER	No	8857743
                        Select 	15		5/10/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF VERNICE CARTER FOR *PRO SE*	No	8857779
                        Select 	16		5/10/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF BERTHA CARTER	No	8857780
                        Select 	17		5/10/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF BERTHA CARTER FOR *PRO SE*	No	8857781
                        Select 	18		5/11/2012	Returned Copy		No	8860100
                        Select 	19		5/16/2012	Order	OF 5/15/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8866959
                        Select 	20		5/16/2012	Order	OF 5/15/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	8866960
                        Select 	21		5/17/2012	Notice of Scheduling		No	8869020
                        Select 	22		5/23/2012	Notice of Scheduling		No	8876673
                        Select 	23	E	6/1/2012	Testimony Taken Before	BARRETT ON 05/09/2012 COURT ORDER INCLUDED	No	8889456
                        Select 	24		8/20/2012	Petition to Modify	BY JENNY KRING	No	8990695
                        Select 	25		8/20/2012	Notice to Attend Mediation		No	8990696
                        Select 	26		8/20/2012	Notice to Attend Parenting Seminar		No	8990697
                        Select 	27		9/14/2012	Notice of Scheduling		No	9019677
                        Select 	28		10/10/2012	Masters Report		No	9051834
                        Select 	29		10/11/2012	Order	OF 10/3/12 PER CURIAM	No	9052188
                        Select 	30		10/17/2012	Notice of Scheduling		No	9059164
                        Select 	31		12/3/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF JENNY KRING	No	9109126
                        Select 	32		12/3/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF JENNY KRING FOR *PRO SE*	No	9109127
                        Select 	33		12/3/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF KAREN YOUNG	No	9109128
                        Select 	34		12/3/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF KAREN YOUNG FOR *PRO SE*	No	9109169
                        Select 	35		12/4/2012	Order	OF 11/30/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	9111080
                        Select 	36		12/4/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF BERTHA AND VERNICE CARTER	No	9111448
                        Select 	37		12/5/2012	Order	OF 12/4/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	9113443
                        Select 	38		12/10/2012	Order	OF 12/6/12 BARRETT, J CC	No	9117633
                        Select 	39		12/11/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF JENNY KING	No	9118993
                        Select 	40		12/11/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF JENNY KRING FOR *PRO SE*	No	9119054
                        Select 	41		12/11/2012	Praec to Change Address	OF BERTHA CARTER	No	9119055
                        Select 	42		12/11/2012	Entry of Appearance	OF BERTHA CARTER FOR *PRO SE*	No	9119056
                        Select 	43		3/4/2013	Emergency Family Petition	TO MODFIY CUSTODY/VISITATION ORDER BY PLTF KAREN YOUNG	No	9209749
                        Select 	44		3/4/2013	Notice to Attend Mediation		No	9209750
                        Select 	45		3/4/2013	Notice to Attend Parenting Seminar		No	9209751
                        Select 	46		3/5/2013	Praec to Change Address	OF JENNY KRING	No	9211339
                        Select 	47		3/12/2013	Affidavit/Certificate of Service of	PETITION FOR CUSTODY ON 03/08/2013 TO JENNY KRING	No	9220705
                        Select 	48		3/20/2013	Order	OF 3/18/13 BERTIN, J CC	No	9229229
                        Picture: https://z.zz.fo/07S2F.png

                       Case #2013-09731
                       Case Number	2013-09731
                       Commencement Date	4/25/2013
                       Case Type	Complaint for Custody/Visitation
                       PFA Number	
                       Caption Plaintiff	PASCHALL, LAIMONT
                       Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                       Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                       Status	2 - OPEN
                       Judge	PHILLIPS
                       Sealed	No
                       Interpreter Needed	
                       Select	KRING, JENNY	WEST CHESTER, PA 19382 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Docket Entries 
                       Select 	0		4/25/2013	Complaint for Custody/Visitation		No	9272932
                       Select 	1		4/25/2013	Notice to Attend Mediation		No	9272933
                       Select 	2		4/25/2013	Notice to Attend Parenting Seminar		No	9273009
                       Select 	3		4/25/2013	Petition To Proceed In Forma Pauperis		No	9273010
                       Select 	4		4/25/2013	Order Grant IFP Filing Fees Only	OF 47/25/13 AUSTIN,J GRANTING IFP FOR FILING FEES ONLY	No	9273075
                       Select 	5		5/9/2013	Praec to Change Address	OF JENNY KRING	No	9289759
                       Select 	6		6/10/2013	Notice of Scheduling		No	9326001
                       Select 	7		7/2/2013	Order	OF 6/28/13 PER CURIAM CC	No	9355567
                       Case #2014-06057
                       Case Number	2014-06057
                       Commencement Date	3/20/2014
                       Case Type	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice
                       PFA Number	
                       Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                       Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                       Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                       Status	1 - OPEN
                       Sealed	No
                       Interpreter Needed	
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                       NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                       Select	KRING, JENNY	301 CHESTNUT STREET
                       POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Docket Entries 
                       Select 	0		3/20/2014	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	9710361
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY	3/20/2014	1809.48

                       Case #2019-03949
                       Case Number	2019-03949
                       Commencement Date	3/1/2019
                       Case Type	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice
                       PFA Number	
                       Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                       Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY LYNN
                       Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                       Status	1 - OPEN
                       Sealed	No
                       Interpreter Needed	
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                       NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                       Select	KRING, JENNY LYNN	244 OAK ST
                       POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                        Docket Entries 
                       Select 	0		3/1/2019	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	12203253
                       Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY LYNN	3/1/2019	1,929.50
                    Case #2019-18516
                    Case Number	2019-18516
                    Commencement Date	7/23/2019
                    Case Type	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice
                    PFA Number	
                    Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                    Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY LYNN
                    Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                    Status	1 - OPEN
                    Sealed	No
                    Interpreter Needed	
                    Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                    NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                    Select	KRING, JENNY LYNN	317 CHESTNUT ST
                    POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                     Docket Entries 
                    Select 	0		7/23/2019	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	12398026
                    Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY LYNN	7/23/2019	1,162.80

                    Case #2022-05678
                    Case Number	2022-05678
                    Commencement Date	4/21/2022
                    Case Type	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice
                    PFA Number	
                    Caption Plaintiff	MONTGOMERY COUNTY
                    Caption Defendant	KRING, JENNY
                    Lis Pendens Indicator	No
                    Status	1 - OPEN
                    Sealed	No
                    Interpreter Needed	
                    Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	PO BOX 311
                    NORRISTOWN, PA 19404-0311 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                    Select	KRING, JENNY	244 OAK ST
                    POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 UNITED STATES	UNITED STATES		Yes	1
                     Docket Entries 
                    Select 	0		4/21/2022	Judgment/Fines/Costs/Restitution & 236 Notice		No	13488668
                    Select	MONTGOMERY COUNTY	KRING, JENNY	4/21/2022	2785.25

                     Case #2021-09406
                     Case Number 	2021-09406
                     Commencement Date 	6/7/2021
                     Case Type 	Defendants Appeal from District Justice
                     PFA Number 	
                     Caption Plaintiff 	HILLCREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS
                     Caption Defendant 	YOUNG, KAREN
                     Lis Pendens Indicator 	No
                     Status 	2 - OPEN
                     Judge 	WEILHEIMER
                     Sealed 	No
                     Interpreter Needed 	
                     	Yes 	1
                     Select 	YOUNG, KAREN 	267 MONTGOMERY AVENUE
                     BOYERTOWN, PA 19512 UNITED STATES 	UNITED STATES 		Yes 	1
                     Docket Entries
                     0 		6/7/2021 	Defendants Appeal from District Justice 		No 	13143363
                     1 		6/7/2021 	Praec to Enter Rule Upon 	HILLCREST VILLAGE TO FILE A COMPLAINT 	No 	13143364
                     2 		6/7/2021 	Petition To Proceed In Forma Pauperis 		No 	13143365
                     3 		6/7/2021 	Order Grant IFP Filing Fees Only 	OF 6/7/2021 ROTHSTEIN,J RULE 236 NOTICE PROVIDED ON 06/07/2021 	No 	13143668
                     4 		6/9/2021 	Supersedeas 		No 	13146944
                     5 		6/9/2021 	Tenants Affidavit Non Section 8 		No 	13146945
                     6 	E 	6/11/2021 	Petition 	BY HILLCREST VILLAGE FOR TO MODIFY DEFENDANT'S MONTHLY RENTAL OBLIGATION WITH SERVICE ON 06/11/2021 	No 	13152580
                     7 	E 	6/21/2021 	Order 	OF 6/21/2021 TOLLIVER,J RULE ENTERED TO SHOW CAUSE WHY PLTF'S PETITION SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED CC RULE 236 NOTICE PROVIDED ON 06/21/2021 	No 	13161211
                     8 	E 	6/22/2021 	Affidavit/Certificate of Service of 	JUNE 21, 2021 ORDER AND PETITION TO MODIFY ON 06/21/2021 TO DEFENDANT 	No 	13163487
                     9 	E 	6/22/2021 	Entry of Appearance 	OF KEVIN M. MCGRATH FOR PLAINTIFF 	No 	13163488
                     10 	E 	6/23/2021 	Complaint In 		No 	13165054
                     11 	E 	7/6/2021 	Affidavit/Certificate of Service of 	COMPLAINT ON 06/25/2021 TO DEFENDANT 	No 	13178037
                     12 		7/19/2021 	Notice of Scheduling 		No 	13191283
                     13 	E 	7/19/2021 	Praec to Withdraw 	PLAINTIFF'S PETITION TO MODIFY DEFENDANT'S MONTHLY RENTAL OBLIGATION W/ SERVICE ON 07/19/2021 	No 	13191856

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                    House Sketch https://z.zz.fo/s9lZQ.png
                    House Pic: https://z.zz.fo/2pLEx.png

                    Parcel Address
                    Parcel ID	160026072003
                    Parcel Address	5 W 6TH ST
                    Parcel Address City	POTTSTOWN
                    Parcel Address Zip Code	19464-5227
                    Basement	4
                    Fuel	2
                    Heat	3
                    Commercial Area	0
                    Commercial NL Area	0
                    Commercial Units	0
                    Residual	NO
                    Estimated MCCC Type	31
                    Style Code	06
                    LL_UUID	ed91093f-9dfb-4dbd-9868-b84cbe1f1212

                    PARID: 160026072003	
                    DYROFF DAWN M	5 W SIXTH ST
                    TaxMapID	16037 041
                    Parid	16-00-26072-00-3
                    Land Use Code	1101
                    Land Use Description	R - SINGLE FAMILY
                    Property Location	5 W SIXTH ST
                    Lot #	59
                    Lot Size	8400 SF
                    Front Feet	60
                    Municipality	POTTSTOWN
                    School District	POTTSTOWN
                    Utilities	ALL PUBLIC//
                    Name(s)	DYROFF DAWN M
                    Mailing Address	5 W SIXTH ST
                    Care Of	 
                    Mailing Address	 
                    Mailing Address	POTTSTOWN PA 19464
                    Current Assessment
                    Appraised Value	Assessed Value	Restrict Code
                    78,870	78,870	
                    Estimated Taxes
                    County	309
                    Montco Community College	31
                    Municipality	1,100
                    School District	3,310
                    Total	4,750
                    Tax Lien	Tax Claim Bureau Parcel Search
                    Last Sale
                    Sale Date	16-JUN-15
                    Sale Price	$1
                    Tax Stamps	0
                    Deed Book and Page	5958-02916
                    Grantor	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M
                    Grantee	DYROFF DAWN M
                    Date Recorded	24-JUN-15

                   Sale Date	Sale Price	Tax Stamps	Deed Book and Page	Grantor	Grantee	Date Recorded
                   06-16-2015	$1	0	5958-02916	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	DYROFF DAWN M	06-24-2015
                   09-27-2006	$137,000	1370	5623-02480	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	11-14-2006
                   09-27-2006	$137,000	1370	5623-02480	RAFFLE ERIC	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	11-14-2006
                   09-21-2006	$1	0	5623-02476	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	DYROFF JOSEPH J & DAWN M	11-14-2006
                   09-21-2006	$1	0	5623-02476	RAFFLE ERIC & ANDY	RAFFLE ERIC	11-14-2006
                   03-24-2005	$91,000	910	5549-01817	SCHUE VICTOR H SR & MICHAEL J	RAFFLE ERIC & ANDY	04-08-2005
                   11-05-2003	$1	0	5481-02239	SCHUE VICTOR H SR & LARAY F	SCHUE VICTOR H SR & MICHAEL J	11-18-2003
                   08-31-2001	$1	0	5374-01691		SCHUE VICTOR H SR & LARAY F	09-06-2001
                   12-28-1995	$100	0	5136-02215		SCHUE VICTOR H SR & LORI A	01-11-1996
                   12-01-1995	$100		5136-2215			
                   07-27-1994	$0	0	5135-01494		BLUE ROCK REALTY CORP II	12-27-1995
                   05-28-1991	$0	0	4976-02392		GOULD HERBERT E & NANETTE M	05-30-1991
                   05-17-1990	$0	0	4947-00234		KENNY JOSEPH J	05-25-1990
                   10-15-1981	$1	0	-		SHELLENBERGER MORRIS H	
                   12-26-1974	$1	0	-		SHELLENBERGER PHILIP A & MORRIS
                                    ██████╗██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██╗████████╗███████╗
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                                    ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝

                    Main Doxer: t.me/cultfed
                    Format: t.me/cultfed