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Name: Micheal Funnell
DOB: 23/5/2004
Region: Australia, New South Wales
Address:23 Verdelho Avenue
Phone Number: +61 414 098 209
Reason For Dox: Threataning to kill a 9 year old girl. He is 16 years old and has many times been in trouble with the police.
Photos Of Micheals House: 

Family Info
Fathers Name: Unknown (Crackhead)
Mothers Name: Leah Funnell (Image of Leah: https://www.facebook.com/leah.funnell?__tn__=%3C%3C*F)
Brothers Name: Lachlan Funnell, Ethan Funnell (Image of both of them: https://imgur.com/a/LcVuEib)
Sisters Name: Emily Funnell (Image of Emily: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=227675811587604&set=a.103260864029100&__tn__=%3C)
Micheals Social Medias
Instagram: michealfunnell14
Snapchat: michealf482
Facebook: micheal.funnell
Emily's Social Medias
Facebook: emily.funnell.50
Leah's Social Medias
Facebook: leah.funnell