Mia Azilla

                                 /                      \
                                 |  ??? ??????? ???    |
                                 |         -            |
             ______________      | Dear Mia              |
            /         \    \     | you've been a        |
           /           \    \    | bad cow so instead   |
          / _________   \    |   | of coal,youre getting|
          \/     _   \  /    |   |a dox.
           \ /    \   \/_    |   |         -            |
           |  O_O_/   || \_  \   | next year, improve   |
          / __(_ __   ||   \ /   | your behaviour       |
         /\/___\___\_/  \  /_\   |                      |
        /      __        \/   \  |   enjoy,             |
        |                |\___/  |                      |
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  ______|________        |  \    |   x_x x_x x_x x_x    |
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     \               \      |      |      \\     _/   / |
      \               \_____|______\___    \    -/___/  |
       \                         ______\_____          /
        \                       / \          \        /
         \__________________    \ |           |______/
                            \    /            /

Name - Mia Azzila 

Age - 15

school - Taylors lakes secondary college (Victoria, Australia)

address - 40 Highfield Way Kurunjang, VIC 3337

Phone - 0411 178 458

Twitter - https://twitter.com/mxazzilla_

Discord - Mia xo #9574

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mia.azzilla.73

Snapchat - mazzilla5

Aaron Azzilla
Matthew Azzilla
Paul Azzilla
Olivia Azzilla
Jack Azzilla
Carolyn Azzilla
Dimitri Azzilla
Grace Azzilla
Dimitri Azzilla
James Azzilla

Reason: Freak that sends underage boys her nudes, lives on Discord and skips school to flirt with little kids on Discord.
Is a pure freak who sends photos of her slitting her wrists to people to make them feel bad for her.
Fat cow with a Rombus shaped head.
Will send nudes to anyone that asks and then complains about them being leaked.

1. She hits up 12 year old guys (she is 15-16) and gets dick pics of off them, she then screenshot and leaks them

2. She hits on 12yr olds...

3. She sends photos of her slit wrists to people and threatens to "kill herself" if they don't edate her

4. She flirts with EVERYONE, messages 47238 guys at the same time with the exact same thing

5. Is just hard odd and attention-seeking

6. Once Spam called me for over an hour to beg me to "Hack a paypal account so I can use it to buy Vbucks"

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