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So this bitch here thinks that shes a goddess and has such a big fucking ego for a unknown person so this dox has been waiting to happen 
shes a racist bitch that says nothing but the nigger nigga shes egoing my niggas SO FUCK THAT DUMB ASS BITCH


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Phone number: (214) 482-8055

Name: Joselin Hernandez

Age: 15 year of age

Birth: july 27 2007

Current State: Dallas TX 

Area codes: 214 469 972

Discord account info

 User ID: 837361500569468968

 Username: joselin#0336

Token hash: ODM3MzYxNTAwNTY5NDY4OTY4

Created: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 16:15:39 UTC

Creation Date(24H format): 2021-04-29, 12:15:39

Creation Date(12H format): 2021-04-29, 12:15:39 PM

Time ago: 2 years ago

Unix timestamp: 1619712939160

Spotify account:joselin

Id: xuxk5a5e7jdtzbwmwl5jo8nxe 

Instagram: joselinnn7

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