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                                                        ███ ▄███▀ ███    ███   ███    ███ 
                                                        ███▐██▀   ███    ███   ███    █▀  
                                                       ▄█████▀    ███    ███   ███        
                                                      ▀▀█████▄    ███    ███ ▀███████████ 
                                                        ███▐██▄   ███    ███          ███ 
                                                        ███ ▀███▄ ███    ███    ▄█    ███ 
                                                        ███   ▀█▀  ▀██████▀   ▄████████▀  

                                                                  ϟ FEATURING: ϟ

                                                 ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                 
                                               ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                      ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ              
                                             ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                      ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ  ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ            
                                            ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                     ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ    ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ           
                                           ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                     ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ        ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ          
                                          ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                    ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ            ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ         
                                         ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                  ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ               ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ        
                                         ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                  ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ        
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                                               ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                     ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ               
                                                 ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                  ϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟϟ                 

                                                                IT'S ALL THERE,
                                                               IT'S ALL WAITING.

                                                            OF COURSE IT CAN BE DONE;
                                                           IT DEPENDS UPON OURSELVES...

                                                     ♦            Introduction             ♦


                                                     ♦            Victim's Info            ♦


                                                     ♦            Parent's Info            ♦


                                                     ♦            Property Info            ♦


                                                     ♦             School Info             ♦

                                Before you view this brilliant dox on a not-so-brilliant person, I would like to
                                clarify a few things:

                                    Cherry/CherryJustice (aka "goddesss" on doxbin) is no longer affiliated with KOS.
                                Although you see her using our template and formatting methods (made/originated from
                                courtbox), it is because we allowed her to use it so she could upload on this account.
                                As you see, that did not happen. She believes that she is the paramount female doxxer
                                on the website, and is often publicly viewed as delusional and incompetent. She has
                                no apprehension of when she can behave formally and when not to, and frequently has
                                aberrant spastic bursts where she insults and verbally abuses her peers. She believes
                                that we promised her absolute ownership of the clan whenever she finished her 2,000
                                line dox, when we strictly stated that she would not be gaining ownership. We promised
                                her much more power than she currently had (and has). We told her that there would be
                                a gender segregation within the clan because we do not care for feminism, and that she
                                would own that portion of KOS (of course, we would actually own it, but indirectly). She
                                would be able to create her own rules and gather her own members, as well as punish
                                them as she pleased. After she finished that sorry attempt of a dox (on Noah Pensak),
                                she asked us for ownership. We declined. We aren't fully aware of the situation in which
                                KOS attempted to take credit for that pathetic communist dox. We do not tolerate this
                                behavior. Also, Cherry, just because you helped create this clan doesn't mean you own
                                it, - at least, not anymore - and this conflict is over.

                                We are a union of one, not a group of disparities.

                                Perish Judah.

                                                           The CherryJustice quarrel is over.
                                                          (and no, this is not a dox on Cherry)


                                                        "And I don't underrate them, but I don't
                                                         despair and you shouldn't despair.
                                                         Because you, like I, have read something
                                                         of history."

                                                         - Oswald Mosley

                                                    ██╗   ██╗██╗ ██████╗████████╗██╗███╗   ███╗
                                                    ██║   ██║██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██║████╗ ████║
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                                                    ╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██║        ██║   ██║██║╚██╔╝██║
                                                     ╚████╔╝ ██║╚██████╗   ██║   ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║
                                                      ╚═══╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝   ╚═╝   ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝

                                        NAME ϟ Melissa Smith

                                        AGE ϟ 17

                                        SEX ϟ Female

                                        SCHOOL ϟ South Decatur Junior-Senior High School
                                                Mascot: Cougars
                                                Street Address: 8885 IN-3, Greensburg, IN 47240
                                                School District: Decatur County Community Schools
                                                Student Count: 473
                                                Principal: Jim Jameson
                                                Contact Number: (812) 591-3330
                                                    FOR ADDITIONAL INFO, VISIT "SCHOOL" CATEGORY.

                                        HOUSE ADDRESS ϟ 108 N East St, Westport, Indiana 47283-9310
                                                County: Decatur
                                                FIPS: 18031
                                                Tract: 969500
                                                Block: 3018
                                                Owner's Name: LLOYD WILLIAM SMITH   
                                                2nd Owner's Name: BRENDA K SMITH
                                                    FOR ADDITIONAL INFO, VISIT "PROPERTY" CATEGORY.

                                        RELATIVES ϟ 
                                                Lloyd W Smith
                                                Austin W Smith	
                                                Brandon J Smith	
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Gregory W Smith
                                                Harley R Fields
                                                Irma J Fields
                                                Kathy J Holdreith
                                                Amy J Smith
                                                Candace K Smith
                                                Deborah L Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith	
                                                Franklin D Smith
                                                Geraldine J Smith
                                                Jacqueline Sue Smith
                                                Lonnie Eldred Smith
                                                Lori A Smith
                                                Lori A Smith
                                                Melissa R Smith
                                                Patty Ann Smith
                                                Steven Douglas Smith
                                                Steven L Smith
                                                Thomas Nicholas Smith
                                                Brenda Kay Smith
                                                Austin W Smith	
                                                Brandon J Smith	
                                                Candace K Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Jacqueline Sue Smith
                                                Lonnie Eldred Smith
                                                Lori A Smith	
                                                Thomas Nicholas Smith
                                                Didier R Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Gregory W Smith
                                                Janice E Smith
                                                Janice E Smith	
                                                Jerry L Smith
                                                Jerry Lee Smith	
                                                Michelle Denise Smith	
                                                Steven L Smith
                                                Steven Douglas Smith
                                                Sydney D Smith	
                                                Taylor E Smith

                                            ██████╗  █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗███╗   ██╗████████╗███████╗
                                            ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
                                            ██████╔╝███████║██████╔╝█████╗  ██╔██╗ ██║   ██║   ███████╗
                                            ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝  ██║╚██╗██║   ██║   ╚════██║
                                            ██║     ██║  ██║██║  ██║███████╗██║ ╚████║   ██║   ███████║
                                            ╚═╝     ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝
                                        .___  ___.   ______   .___________. __    __   _______ .______      
                                        |   \/   |  /  __  \  |           ||  |  |  | |   ____||   _  \     
                                        |  \  /  | |  |  |  | `---|  |----`|  |__|  | |  |__   |  |_)  |    
                                        |  |\/|  | |  |  |  |     |  |     |   __   | |   __|  |      /     
                                        |  |  |  | |  `--'  |     |  |     |  |  |  | |  |____ |  |\  \----.
                                        |__|  |__|  \______/      |__|     |__|  |__| |_______|| _| `._____|
                                        NAME ϟ Brenda Kay Smith

                                        ALIASES ϟ 
                                                Brenda Smith
                                                Brenda Kay Fields
                                                Brenda R Smith
                                                Brenda Kaysmith

                                        AGE ϟ 55

                                        HOUSE ADDRESS ϟ 108 N East St, Westport, IN 47283  

                                        RELATIVES ϟ 
                                                Lloyd W Smith
                                                Austin W Smith	
                                                Brandon J Smith	
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Gregory W Smith
                                                Harley R Fields
                                                Irma J Fields
                                                Kathy J Holdreith
                                                Amy J Smith
                                                Candace K Smith
                                                Deborah L Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith	
                                                Franklin D Smith
                                                Geraldine J Smith
                                                Jacqueline Sue Smith
                                                Lonnie Eldred Smith
                                                Lori A Smith
                                                Lori A Smith
                                                Melissa R Smith
                                                Patty Ann Smith
                                                Steven Douglas Smith
                                                Steven L Smith
                                                Thomas Nicholas Smith

                                        ASSOCIATES ϟ 
                                                Afi B Bintalloyd
                                                Amanda G Meyer
                                                Amber N Coomer
                                                Angela Dawn Brogan
                                                Angela G Parker
                                                Barbara L Childers
                                                Haley E Holdreith
                                                Hannah B Holdreith
                                                Hilary B Holdreith	
                                                Jennifer M Evans
                                                Kathleen J Holdreith
                                                Kayla A Westmoreland	
                                                Kimberly S Barnes
                                                Laura Jean Carr
                                                Michelle L Townsend	
                                                Paul A Holdreith
                                                Peter Thomas Holdreith

                                        PREVIOUS HOUSE ADDRESSES ϟ 
                                                2201 S Water Plant Rd #1102,
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Apr 2010)
                                                521 N State St, 
                                                North Vernon, IN 47265  
                                                (Jan 2008)
                                                108 E N St, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Jan 2008)
                                                PO Box 53,
                                                 Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Dec 2005)
                                                PO Box 102, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Apr 2001)
                                                PO Box 108 #N,
                                                 Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Nov 1992 - Nov 2000)
                                                108 108 North N,
                                                 Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Jul 1998)
                                                108 East Sta #53, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Oct 1992 - Aug 1993)
                                                108 N East St, 
                                                Greensburg, IN 47240  
                                                (Dec 1969)

                                        PHONE NUMBER ϟ (812) 591-9215
                                                  "country_code": "US",
                                                  "national_format": "(812) 591-9215",
                                                  "phone_number": "+18125919215",
                                                  "fraud": null,
                                                  "carrier": {
                                                    "mobile_country_code": "**********",
                                                    "mobile_network_code": "**********",
                                                    "name": "FRONTIER NORTH, INC. - IN",
                                                    "type": "fixed line",
                                                    "error_code": null
                                                  "caller_name": {
                                                    "caller_name": "**********",
                                                    "error_code": null
                                                  "nnid_override": null,
                                                  "portability": {
                                                    "lrn": "******XXXX",
                                                    "ported_status": "",
                                                    "ported_date": "",
                                                    "ocn": "0779",
                                                    "line_type": "**********",
                                                    "spid": "",
                                                    "spid_carrier_name": "**********",
                                                    "spid_carrier_type": "",
                                                    "altspid": "",
                                                    "altspid_carrier_name": "",
                                                    "altspid_carrier_type": "",
                                                    "city": "**********",
                                                    "state": "**********"
                                                  "record_type": "number_lookup"

                                        PAST AND ALT PHONE NUMBERS ϟ 
                                                (812) 614-7773
                                                            "national_format":"(812) 614-7773",
                                                              "name":"CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON",
                                                (812) 591-2824
                                                            "national_format":"(812) 591-2824",
                                                              "name":"FRONTIER NORTH, INC. - IN",
                                                              "type":"fixed line",
                                                (812) 591-2421
                                                            "national_format":"(812) 591-2421",
                                                              "name":"CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS LLC",
                                                              "type":"fixed line",

                                        EMAIL ϟ bsmith0507@2cs.com

                                        PAST AND ALT EMAILS ϟ 
                                         _______    ___   .___________. __    __   _______ .______      
                                        |   ____|  /   \  |           ||  |  |  | |   ____||   _  \     
                                        |  |__    /  ^  \ `---|  |----`|  |__|  | |  |__   |  |_)  |    
                                        |   __|  /  /_\  \    |  |     |   __   | |   __|  |      /     
                                        |  |    /  _____  \   |  |     |  |  |  | |  |____ |  |\  \----.
                                        |__|   /__/     \__\  |__|     |__|  |__| |_______|| _| `._____|
                                        NAME ϟ Lloyd William Smith

                                        ALIASES ϟ 
                                                Loyd Smith

                                        AGE ϟ 54

                                        HOUSE ADDRESS ϟ PO Box 53, Westport, IN 47283  

                                        RELATIVES ϟ 
                                                Brenda Kay Smith
                                                Austin W Smith	
                                                Brandon J Smith	
                                                Candace K Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Jacqueline Sue Smith
                                                Lonnie Eldred Smith
                                                Lori A Smith	
                                                Thomas Nicholas Smith
                                                Didier R Smith
                                                Evelyn J Smith
                                                Gregory W Smith
                                                Janice E Smith
                                                Janice E Smith	
                                                Jerry L Smith
                                                Jerry Lee Smith	
                                                Michelle Denise Smith	
                                                Steven L Smith
                                                Steven Douglas Smith
                                                Sydney D Smith	
                                                Taylor E Smith

                                        ASSOCIATES ϟ 
                                                Harley R Fields
                                                Afi B Bintalloyd
                                                Alyssa L Compton
                                                Amber N Coomer
                                                Angela Dawn Brogan
                                                Angela G Parker
                                                Barbara L Childers
                                                Candice L Zink
                                                Catherine E Downin
                                                Irma J Fields
                                                Jennifer M Evans
                                                Kathy J Holdreith
                                                Kaylee Elizabeth Compton
                                                Kenneth Troy Cohen
                                                Laura Jean Carr	
                                                Logan N Compton	
                                                Mary Beth Speer
                                                Melissa D Griffith
                                                Michelle L Townsend
                                                Robert L Downin

                                        PREVIOUS HOUSE ADDRESSES ϟ 
                                                108 East, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Sep 2016)
                                                3011 Streamside Dr, 
                                                Columbus, IN 47203  
                                                (Jul 2002)
                                                PO Box ST,
                                                 Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Jul 2001 - Jul 2001)
                                                PO Box 11, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Jul 2001)
                                                108 E N St, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (May 2000)
                                                108 N St E, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (May 2000)
                                                108 N East St, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Jan 1998)
                                                2330 7th St, 
                                                Columbus, IN 47201  
                                                (Jun 1995 - Aug 1995)
                                                2330 S 7th St, 
                                                Columbus, OH 43207  
                                                (Nov 1990 - Jun 1993)
                                                PO Box 108, 
                                                Westport, IN 47283  
                                                (Apr 1993)
                                                108 N East St, 
                                                Greensburg, IN 47240  
                                                (Dec 1969)

                                        PHONE NUMBER ϟ (812) 591-9215
                                                    "national_format":"(812) 591-9215",
                                                      "name":"FRONTIER NORTH, INC. - IN",
                                                      "type":"fixed line",

                                        PAST AND ALT PHONE NUMBERS ϟ 
                                                (812) 591-2824
                                                            "national_format":"(812) 591-2824",
                                                              "name":"FRONTIER NORTH, INC. - IN",
                                                              "type":"fixed line",

                                        EMAIL ϟ bsmith0507@aol.com

                                        PAST AND ALT EMAILS ϟ 

                                        ██████╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ████████╗██╗   ██╗
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                                        ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██╗██║   ██║██╔═══╝ ██╔══╝  ██╔══██╗   ██║     ╚██╔╝  
                                        ██║     ██║  ██║╚██████╔╝██║     ███████╗██║  ██║   ██║      ██║   
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                                        INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS ϟ 108 N East St, Westport IN 47283-9310
                                                Property Address: 108 N East St
                                                                  Westport IN 47283-9310
                                                County: Decatur
                                                FIPS: 18031
                                                Tract: 969500
                                                Block: 3018
                                                Owner's Name: LLOYD WILLIAM SMITH   
                                                2nd Owner's Name: BRENDA K SMITH
                                                Owner's Address: PO Box 53
                                                                 Westport IN 47283-0053
                                                Type of Owner: INDIVIDUAL
                                                Estimated Market Value: $68,000
                                                Year Assessed: 2020
                                                Assessed Value Total: $95,700
                                                Assessed Value Land: $11,100
                                                Assessed Value Improvements: $84,600
                                                Tax Bill Amount: $508
                                                Year Built: 1940
                                                Building Area (sf): 1,817
                                                Area 1st Floor: 0
                                                Area 2nd Floor: 0
                                                Area Lot (acres): 0.4515
                                                Area Lot (sf): 19,668
                                                Area Parking Garage (sf): 342
                                                Bed Rooms: 3
                                                Bath Rooms: 1
                                                Deed Transactions:
                                                        Deed Type: n/a
                                                        Date: n/a
                                                        Seller: n/a
                                                        Buyer: LLOYD WILLIAM SMITH
                                                        Sale Amount: $0
                                                        Mortage Amount: $20,000
                                                        Down Payment: $0
                                                        Loan to Value Percentage: 0%

                                                ███████╗ ██████╗██╗  ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗     
                                                ██╔════╝██╔════╝██║  ██║██╔═══██╗██╔═══██╗██║     
                                                ███████╗██║     ███████║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║     
                                                ╚════██║██║     ██╔══██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║     
                                                ███████║╚██████╗██║  ██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗
                                                ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

                                        INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL ϟ South Decatur Junior-Senior High School
                                                Mascot: Cougars
                                                Street Address: 8885 IN-3, Greensburg, IN 47240
                                                School District: Decatur County Community Schools
                                                Student Count: 473
                                                Principal: Jim Jameson
                                                Contact Number: (812) 591-3330
                                                Founding Year: 1968
                                                Faculty: 43
                                                School Type: Regular School
                                                Status: Open
                                                Full Time Equivalent Teachers: 49.62
                                                Grade Span, Low to High: 7 to 12
                                                Title I Eligible: Title I schoolwide eligible school-No program
                                                Magnet School: No
                                                Charter School: No
                                                Free Lunch Eligible Students: 174
                                                Reduced-Price Eligible Lunch Students: 46
                                                GRADE 7:
                                                        Number of Students: 66
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 2
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 64
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 0

                                                GRADE 8:
                                                        Number of Students: 82
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 3
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 77
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 2
                                                GRADE 9:
                                                        Number of Students: 79
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 3
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 75
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 1
                                                GRADE 10:
                                                        Number of Students: 85
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 0
                                                        Black: 1
                                                        White: 84
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 0
                                                GRADE 11:
                                                        Number of Students: 81
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 2
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 78
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 1
                                                GRADE 12:
                                                        Number of Students: 67
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 0
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 66
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 1

                                                        Number of Students: 1
                                                        American Native: 0
                                                        Asian: 0
                                                        Hispanic: 0
                                                        Black: 0
                                                        White: 1
                                                        Islander: 0
                                                        Multiple Race: 0
