Name: Zayn Bennou Ibriham 
(Don't know if that's his GOV name, he catfishes, sounds like a female and lies a lot) 
Age: 18
Born: August 17-18 2006 
Phone Number: +31 6 39 87 89 82
Lives in: Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

Social Media Accounts
Discord: l_dt / 1237421726032465952
Instagram: ihateseeingyousmile / 63876979726 
Tiktok: 4uzzyy
Roblox: dissapearedlastnight 
Relationship Status: In a relationship with Karmyn Eva Zewiec

                                               reasoning for dox: Being a Roblox pedophile
                                                                  Wanting nudes from underage females
                                                                  Dating a dude for roblox limiteds 
                                                                  Being the top 10 biggest Roblox man ewhore   
                                                                  Mom is a fat muslim
                                                                  Prays on a Muslim mat like a good boy
                                                                  Huge cat fisher, catfishes as his ex best friend

                                                                   ggs to @ebopn on discord 
                                                                            ^ dm to help get more info