Hes 15 years old here is his email vipengwin1111@gmail.com The kid lives in Sheffield Discord is crybaby's baby#2504 More info coming soon His bum buddies Monkey126548#9514 uncles picture: https://a.pomf.cat/bdomyv.png ( his uncle is dead go piss him off about it) discord is is 734494904432066653 His sister is 10+ His brother is called franky and he is highly autistic and his possible addy is Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S36. Cousins ADDY: stocksbridge sheffield house lane Other info Samantha Jones ER 2019-20 Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S36... FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/100017187079112 Other occupants: https://a.pomf.cat/vpuehf.png Dale Jackson https://a.pomf.cat/slosqx.png HIS MUMS BOYFRIENDS FACEBOOK: This is a funny one to add, because hes legit saying on the mic he'd rape me and zig like wtf, anyways heres the nonces fb https://www.facebook.com/michael.pedler.5 And here is his "Gangsta cousin" https://www.facebook.com/todd.gregory.750 Pictures of family. Brother: https://a.pomf.cat/ylpcjn.png