
This dox is about a dumb little shit names 
Max Schaeffer. 17 Years old about to be 18
likes to touch little girls ages 13-14
Steals thousands of dollars from his mother and 
frames his friends who are always real to him of his
bullshit mistakes.


Max G. G. Schaeffer
Age- 17
Phone number: +1 (518) 929-6422
Snapchat: @urlocalstoner98
Instagram: @that_depressed_ds650
Tiktok: @locally_hated_crf450

At the age of 16 max dated and raped a 12 going on 13 year old 
girl (anitialed) N.S.
and claimed he had been seduced by her in a 11 month 
relationship many times. he was the real issue and when she broke 
it off with him he decided it was a good idea to force his mother 
buy him a 2017 Subaru Impreza (and beat the piss out of it) 
Claiming he has all this money dirtbikes jobs and sport bikes
and has a weird obsession to flex items that are either not his or
all in his pittyful imagination.
He seems to enjoy touching little girls and making them his minions.
we will get into that soon.
He said he has killed many people in his past and think he’s the shit
but in reality he’s just a crazy bitch.
After he blew up his subaru he decided to take his moms car
and beat it, blow through her retirement money and made her have to get 
another job. he likes to beat and disrespect women.
He wants to be fake towards all his friends and everyone left him
so he decided to get a new girlfriend names Taylor to be her minion and 
get information from his ex friends so he can crack down on them.
Taylor Schrader is 14 years old and goes to Taconic Hills Junior
High School.
Max is a shitty human being and a overall scum of the earth 
not giving a fuck about anything but himself.
A lot was left out due to the lack of communication between 
everyone involved in this dox but more will be provided as time goes on.


Taylor’s TikTok:

Taylor’s Snapchat 