
                                         Parents of a man who threatens girls, leaks their personal data without their permission, behaves inappropriately on the Telegram platform

                                                                                      My addapter - t.me/addapterpsycho
                                                                                            dox by psychounbalanced 

[+] Id telegram victim: 6588027432

Mother of the victim:

[+] Number: +79375486525
[+] Full name: Шепелева Тамара Олеговна
[+] Date of birth: 21.01.1989 (35 лет)
[+] Email: 89375486525@mail.ru tamara.shepeleva.89@mail.ru
[+] IP:
[+] Photo: https://imgur.com/a/Mk76ETJ

Social networks:
[+] Vk: https://vk.com/id164524872
[+] Instagram: https://instagram.com/tamarashepeleva
[+]Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016259084535
[+] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@6775733940310541318
[+] Classmates: https://ok.ru/profile/434036798617

father of the victim:

[+] Number: +79275045866
[+] Full name: Шепелев Дмитрий Олегович
[+] Date of birth: 30.03.1986 (38 лет)
[+] Email: shepelevdmitri@rambler.ru shepelgrach@yandex.ru golyandinairina@mail.ru
[+] IP:
[+] Transport: ВАЗ 2109 [ К916УР34 ]
[+] Photo: https://imgur.com/a/sB4GP0w

Social networks:

[+] Vk: https://vk.com/id100937295
[+] Instagram: https://instagram.com/shepelevdima86
[+] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@6772799429625725958
[+] Classmates: https://ok.ru/profile/380373801265