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|__/     |__/  |__/ \______/ |________/|________/|________/ \______/  \______/        \______/ |__/  \__/         |__/   \______/ |__/      
Name: Mauricio Castaneda 
Age: 22																				                                                                                                                        
 ➥ Austria																							                                                                                                                     
 ➥Twitch: Mau46YT 
 ➥YouTube: Mau46 
 ➥TikTok: Mau46YT
 ➥Insta: mau46_
 ➥Twitter: Mau46YT
 ➥Chess: https://www.chess.com/member/mau46																						                                                                                                           
 ➥ Mau46@gmail.com
 ➥ Streams on Switch 	
 ➥ Mau46 used to make Fortnite streams on YT.
 ➥ He has gone viral in 2021.
 ➥ Gets mad fast when we talk about some of his family members.
 ➥ Takes the server he is admin on (antiac.net) quite serious.
 ➥ Gone viral in 2021
Reason & History:
 ➥ "31er"
 ➥ Mau46 used to make Fortnite streams on YT.
 ➥ Known through AntiAc.net and his adminship
 ➥ Mau46 is 22 years old and still is caught up in Minecraft and Fortnite.. 
His grandpa 
10.09.1939 - † 06.05.2022 †  
Time of death point 6.05.2022 10Uhr
Our condolences <3         

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