
       									                       Table Of Contents        
         	      							   ?                                                        ?
        			 					   ?    0x01  Reasoning For All Victims.........            ?
        			 				           ?    0x02  mattmo............................            ?
                                   				           ?    0x03  Family............................            ?
          						                   ?    0x04  Extras............................            ?
         			 				           ?    0x05  Credits...........................            ?  



Reasoning - Scammed a real nigga, made fun of my homies dead dad, not as rich as us



IGN..........: Mattmo, mo2z 
Discord......: mo2z  
Full Name....: Matthew Morgan Jr (CONFIRMED)
Age..........: N/A, lies to every1 especially females.
School.......: Neshannock High School (CONFIRMED)                                                                      
Address......: 1144 sunbury path millerstown PA 17062 (CONFIRMED)
Phone........: 412-484-7899 (Un-confirmed)
Pictures.....: https://i.imgur.com/3shTVye.png


MMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMM                          tttt         hhhhhhh                                                          
M:::::::M             M:::::::M                       ttt:::t         h:::::h                                                          
M::::::::M           M::::::::M                       t:::::t         h:::::h                                                          
M:::::::::M         M:::::::::M                       t:::::t         h:::::h                                                          
M::::::::::M       M::::::::::M   ooooooooooo   ttttttt:::::ttttttt    h::::h hhhhh           eeeeeeeeeeee    rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr        
M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M oo:::::::::::oo t:::::::::::::::::t    h::::hh:::::hhh      ee::::::::::::ee  r::::rrr:::::::::r       
M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::Mo:::::::::::::::ot:::::::::::::::::t    h::::::::::::::hh   e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r      
M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::Mo:::::ooooo:::::otttttt:::::::tttttt    h:::::::hhh::::::h e::::::e     e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::r     
M::::::M  M::::M::::M  M::::::Mo::::o     o::::o      t:::::t          h::::::h   h::::::he:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r     r:::::r     
M::::::M   M:::::::M   M::::::Mo::::o     o::::o      t:::::t          h:::::h     h:::::he:::::::::::::::::e  r:::::r     rrrrrrr     
M::::::M    M:::::M    M::::::Mo::::o     o::::o      t:::::t          h:::::h     h:::::he::::::eeeeeeeeeee   r:::::r                 
M::::::M     MMMMM     M::::::Mo::::o     o::::o      t:::::t    tttttth:::::h     h:::::he:::::::e            r:::::r                 
M::::::M               M::::::Mo:::::ooooo:::::o      t::::::tttt:::::th:::::h     h:::::he::::::::e           r:::::r                 
M::::::M               M::::::Mo:::::::::::::::o      tt::::::::::::::th:::::h     h:::::h e::::::::eeeeeeee   r:::::r                 
M::::::M               M::::::M oo:::::::::::oo         tt:::::::::::tth:::::h     h:::::h  ee:::::::::::::e   r:::::r                 
MMMMMMMM               MMMMMMMM   ooooooooooo             ttttttttttt  hhhhhhh     hhhhhhh    eeeeeeeeeeeeee   rrrrrrr                 


Mother.......: Leanne Kipp Brofee Morgan (CONFIRMED)
Age..........: 44 (CONFIRMED)
Phone........: 717-567-3200 (CONFIRMED FROM HIPAA FILE)
Emails.......: lbrofee@adelphia.net , alisha.savage@yahoo.com
Passwords....: N/A
Address......: 1144 sunbury path millerstown PA 17062 (CONFIRMED) 
Previous Addresses: 
2411 State Route 17 Liverpool, PA 17045(2006-2010)
962 Devon Dr Newark, DE 19711 (2002-n/a)
PO Box 154 Millerstown, PA 17062 (CURRENT PO BOX)

EXTRA: Full Hipaa Information from her own personal account.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF                        tttt         hhhhhhh                                                     
F::::::::::::::::::::F                     ttt:::t         h:::::h                                                     
F::::::::::::::::::::F                     t:::::t         h:::::h                                                     
FF::::::FFFFFFFFF::::F                     t:::::t         h:::::h                                                     
  F:::::F       FFFFFFaaaaaaaaaaaaa  ttttttt:::::ttttttt    h::::h hhhhh           eeeeeeeeeeee    rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr   
  F:::::F             a::::::::::::a t:::::::::::::::::t    h::::hh:::::hhh      ee::::::::::::ee  r::::rrr:::::::::r  
  F::::::FFFFFFFFFF   aaaaaaaaa:::::at:::::::::::::::::t    h::::::::::::::hh   e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r 
  F:::::::::::::::F            a::::atttttt:::::::tttttt    h:::::::hhh::::::h e::::::e     e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::r
  F:::::::::::::::F     aaaaaaa:::::a      t:::::t          h::::::h   h::::::he:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r     r:::::r
  F::::::FFFFFFFFFF   aa::::::::::::a      t:::::t          h:::::h     h:::::he:::::::::::::::::e  r:::::r     rrrrrrr
  F:::::F            a::::aaaa::::::a      t:::::t          h:::::h     h:::::he::::::eeeeeeeeeee   r:::::r            
  F:::::F           a::::a    a:::::a      t:::::t    tttttth:::::h     h:::::he:::::::e            r:::::r            
FF:::::::FF         a::::a    a:::::a      t::::::tttt:::::th:::::h     h:::::he::::::::e           r:::::r            
F::::::::FF         a:::::aaaa::::::a      tt::::::::::::::th:::::h     h:::::h e::::::::eeeeeeee   r:::::r            
F::::::::FF          a::::::::::aa:::a       tt:::::::::::tth:::::h     h:::::h  ee:::::::::::::e   r:::::r            
FFFFFFFFFFF           aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa         ttttttttttt  hhhhhhh     hhhhhhh    eeeeeeeeeeeeee   rrrrrrr  
¦¦¦¦--_----------¯¦--------¦----¦ Look son,
¦¦¦--¦------¯¯¦---¯¦-------¦----¦ a retard! 
Father.......: Matthew Thomas Morgan (top tier physical therapist though icl https://imgur.com/yDQcxVL)        
Age..........: 44 (CONFIRMED)
Phone........: (717) 436-6042 (CONFIRMED FROM HIPAA) , (717) 589-3320 , (717) 589-3048 , (717) 589-7471 , (717) 742-7230
Emails.......: N/A
Passwords....: N/A
Address......: 1144 sunbury path millerstown PA 17062 (CONFIRMED) 
Previous Addresses: 
162 Church Rd Millerstown, PA 17062 (2006-2011)
307 Greybull Dr Bear, DE 19701 (2006-2011)
2411 State Route 17 Liverpool, PA 17045 (N/A-2010)
Pictures.....: https://imgur.com/f90PmvQ
Occupation...: CPRS Physical Therapist @ 44 Red Hill Court Newport, PA 17074
.............: Number of office: 717-567-3200

Extra: More HIPAA information this time for the father.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE                             tttt                                                             
E::::::::::::::::::::E                          ttt:::t                                                             
E::::::::::::::::::::E                          t:::::t                                                             
EE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::E                          t:::::t                                                             
  E:::::E       EEEEEExxxxxxx      xxxxxxxttttttt:::::ttttttt   rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr   aaaaaaaaaaaaa      ssssssssss   
  E:::::E              x:::::x    x:::::x t:::::::::::::::::t   r::::rrr:::::::::r  a::::::::::::a   ss::::::::::s  
  E::::::EEEEEEEEEE     x:::::x  x:::::x  t:::::::::::::::::t   r:::::::::::::::::r aaaaaaaaa:::::ass:::::::::::::s 
  E:::::::::::::::E      x:::::xx:::::x   tttttt:::::::tttttt   rr::::::rrrrr::::::r         a::::as::::::ssss:::::s
  E:::::::::::::::E       x::::::::::x          t:::::t          r:::::r     r:::::r  aaaaaaa:::::a s:::::s  ssssss 
  E::::::EEEEEEEEEE        x::::::::x           t:::::t          r:::::r     rrrrrrraa::::::::::::a   s::::::s      
  E:::::E                  x::::::::x           t:::::t          r:::::r           a::::aaaa::::::a      s::::::s   
  E:::::E       EEEEEE    x::::::::::x          t:::::t    ttttttr:::::r          a::::a    a:::::assssss   s:::::s 
EE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::E   x:::::xx:::::x         t::::::tttt:::::tr:::::r          a::::a    a:::::as:::::ssss::::::s
E::::::::::::::::::::E  x:::::x  x:::::x        tt::::::::::::::tr:::::r          a:::::aaaa::::::as::::::::::::::s 
E::::::::::::::::::::E x:::::x    x:::::x         tt:::::::::::ttr:::::r           a::::::::::aa:::as:::::::::::ss  
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEExxxxxxx      xxxxxxx          ttttttttttt  rrrrrrr            aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa sssssssssss    


To wrap this up kids watch who you threaten to dox on the internet then get a huge ego because they think they are untouchable. Pick
your face up retard, and you can try get back i can assure you it can still get worse promise that.

        CCCCCCCCCCCCC                                                    d::::::d  iiii          tttt                           
     CCC::::::::::::C                                                    d::::::d i::::i      ttt:::t                           
   CC:::::::::::::::C                                                    d::::::d  iiii       t:::::t                           
  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C                                                    d:::::d              t:::::t                           
 C:::::C       CCCCCCrrrrr   rrrrrrrrr       eeeeeeeeeeee        ddddddddd:::::d iiiiiiittttttt:::::ttttttt        ssssssssss   
C:::::C              r::::rrr:::::::::r    ee::::::::::::ee    dd::::::::::::::d i:::::it:::::::::::::::::t      ss::::::::::s  
C:::::C              r:::::::::::::::::r  e::::::eeeee:::::ee d::::::::::::::::d  i::::it:::::::::::::::::t    ss:::::::::::::s 
C:::::C              rr::::::rrrrr::::::re::::::e     e:::::ed:::::::ddddd:::::d  i::::itttttt:::::::tttttt    s::::::ssss:::::s
C:::::C               r:::::r     r:::::re:::::::eeeee::::::ed::::::d    d:::::d  i::::i      t:::::t           s:::::s  ssssss 
C:::::C               r:::::r     rrrrrrre:::::::::::::::::e d:::::d     d:::::d  i::::i      t:::::t             s::::::s      
C:::::C               r:::::r            e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  d:::::d     d:::::d  i::::i      t:::::t                s::::::s   
 C:::::C       CCCCCC r:::::r            e:::::::e           d:::::d     d:::::d  i::::i      t:::::t    ttttttssssss   s:::::s 
  C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C r:::::r            e::::::::e          d::::::ddddd::::::ddi::::::i     t::::::tttt:::::ts:::::ssss::::::s
   CC:::::::::::::::C r:::::r             e::::::::eeeeeeee   d:::::::::::::::::di::::::i     tt::::::::::::::ts::::::::::::::s 
     CCC::::::::::::C r:::::r              ee:::::::::::::e    d:::::::::ddd::::di::::::i       tt:::::::::::tt s:::::::::::ss  
        CCCCCCCCCCCCC rrrrrrr                eeeeeeeeeeeeee     ddddddddd   dddddiiiiiiii         ttttttttttt    sssssssssss    







https://i.imgur.com/6FgNdKs.png yo pick grandpappy up lil dude


tbh had this dox for atleast 8 months, i dont feel like replacing all the ASCII art from the copy paste so deal wit it.