full name: Matthew Tighe
home address:  85 Eastway Reading, MA 01867+1108
phone number: 781-492-1753
age: Born on November 30th, 1999 (22 years old) 
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLXNmVmPnzwiA_wZYhRbHQ/videos
PD contact: (781) 944-1212
Twitch: JustMattika (hacked/deleted)
email: matthewtighe1999@gmail.com (hacked/deleted)

Year Built	1980
Purchased On	October 15th, 2002
Purchase Price	$775,000
Home Value	$750,000-999,999

Wealth (97)	
Donor (98)	
Travel (93)	
Ethnicity	Western European
Language	English
Religion	Catholic
Marital Status	Single
Children	1
Type	Conventional
Amount	$480,000
Dated	October 15th, 2002

article about him: https://popcon.us/announcements/kara-eberle-weiss-schnee-from-rwby-comes-to-popcon/

LIFESTYLE: Enjoys tennis, enjoys golf, enjoys skiing, enjoys sailing, enjoys scuba diving, enjoys hiking 

occupation: Moderator  

quick thing to note: He has a bit of money and he may be open to extortion 

reason for dox: banned me from CC unites live stream and told me to shut up even though I only Typed CX in the chat 16 times through out 1 hour
and only said it once every 3 minutes and he's a weeaboo faggot If any of you would like to teach him a lesson here is all the info you need