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Here is a cute list of things he has done:  

Falsified being doxxed and ruined someones life with false accusations.
Pretended to have a different name with a fake UK issued ID.
Now here's the real him.

Information -- 
Name: Matthew Lee Bedwell
Has 1 brother, name unknown.        
Address Information:

Address: 93 Edgar Rd, Hounslow TW4 5QL
Local Authority: Richmond upon Thames
3-5 occupants
County: Greater London (GL)
3 Closest Transport Links: Hounslow Rail Station   -   0.9 m | Whitton Rail Station   -   0.9 m | Hounslow Central Station   -   1.3 m                                                                                                         
3 Closest Bus Stops:  Simpson Road - Stop B   -   0.1 m | Simpson Road - Stop M   -   0.1 m | Godfrey Way - Stop L   -   0.2 m     
Area Stats: Population: 491,918	| Males: 243,525 | Females: 248,393 | House hold ACC.: 193,508    
The residence is an apartment/flat.
Electricity and Gas Bills  -  £67  -  25.42%
Water Bill  -  £23  -  8.74%
Broadband Bill  -  £23  -  8.76%
Council Tax Bill  -  £150  -  57.08%       
Nearest Superstores: Tesco, Whitton Metro   -   0.8 m | Morrisons, Hounslow   -   1.1 m | Sainsburys, Sainsbury's Hampton   -   1.2 m
Education Information:
Out of education at this minute.
Used to goto college     
General Information:
16/17 years of age
Lies to friends/family all the time regarding his activity.
Usually get buses to where he goes, so there are no known hangout areas.
Wants to be a police officer in the MET (Metropolitan Police) or BTP (British Transport Police).
Occupation: No job (L bozo)
Brown Hair
Wears Glasses
Thank you for reading, not as good as the last one regarding Aiden Walls but still good. 
