             Age: 19 Years Old    |  First Name: Matthew 
             Last Name: Delucia   |  School: Dropped Out
             IP:   |  Instagram: mattdelucia12
             GT: goldenglove358   |  Girlfriends Instagram: alisonannee
             Girlfriends Age: 19  |  Picture Of Him & His GF: https://anonymousfiles.io/98kxCrak/   
             Passion: Boxing      |  Address: 7 Kocsis Street Holbrook New York 11741
             Tattoos: Upper Arm   |  Old School: Sachem East High School 
             Hair Color: Brown    |  Reason Of Dox: Child Predator  
             Language: English    |  Girlfriends First Name: Alison   
             PS: Thinks He's CRIP |  Girlfriends Last Name: Annee
             Height: Possibly 5"8 |  Girlfriends Race: White
             ISP: Verizon         |  Girlfriends Sex: Female
             Race: White          |  Girlfriends Hair Color: Brown With Blond Highlights   
             Sex:  Male           |  Girlfriends Language: English
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