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First Name : Matthews
Last Name : Andrews
Image : https://ibb.co/b3FWPnB
Date of birth : 01/09/1988 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Age : 36
Current Address : 1120 N Shoop Ave #29 Wauseon, OH 43567 (June 2016 - Feb 2024)
Different source says : 324 E Maple St Bryan, OH 43506, Williams County (Aug 2023) BUT IT IS CONFIRMED THAT HE LIVED IN BOTH OF THEM
Phone Number : (419) 335-0458
Email Address : mattandrews70@hotmail.com
Car plate : OH KDH4599
Car : Black 2017 GMC Sierra 1500

__________ .__                     .__                 .__      ________                                   .__           __   .__                 
\______   \|  |__   ___.__.  ______|__|  ____  _____   |  |     \______ \    ____    ______  ____  _______ |__|______  _/  |_ |__|  ____    ____  
 |     ___/|  |  \ <   |  | /  ___/|  |_/ ___\ \__  \  |  |      |    |  \ _/ __ \  /  ___/_/ ___\ \_  __ \|  |\____ \ \   __\|  | /  _ \  /    \ 
 |    |    |   Y  \ \___  | \___ \ |  |\  \___  / __ \_|  |__    |    `   \\  ___/  \___ \ \  \___  |  | \/|  ||  |_> > |  |  |  |(  <_> )|   |  \
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                \/  \/          \/          \/      \/                  \/      \/      \/      \/             |__|                            \/ 

Tattoos : Tattoo on right forearm 'NO FEAR' , Tattoo on left forearm 'NO MERCY' , Tattoo on left shoulder (CROSS) , Tattoo on right bicep (BARBED WIRE)
Race : white
Hair : brown
Height : 6'00
Weight : 225lbs / 102kg

 ____             _       _      
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\___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __| 
 ___) | (_) | (__| | (_| | \__ \ 
|____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|___/ 
Currently too lazy to look for them, might update later.

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|_| \_\___|_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___||___/

Edward Andrews (67)
Joan Andrews (86)
Tamra Trejo (62)
Arnold Andrews (95)
Donna Andrews (77)
John Andrews (58)

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|_| \_\___|\__,_|___/\___/|_| |_|  \___/|_|    \__,_|\___/_/\_\

2907.323(A3 - Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity Oriented Material or Performance
Date of conviction : 04/11/2019
• Primary Victim classification : Juvenile
• Gender of victim:	Female
• Race of victim:	White

Also because i was bored.
would like to thank and credit @DEDSEC1 (https://doxbin.com/user/DEDSEC1) for idea.