_______  _______________   _________________________  __________ ____ __________   
 \      \ \_   _____/\   \ /   /\_   _____/\______   \ \______   \    |   \      \  
 /   |   \ |    __)_  \   Y   /  |    __)_  |       _/  |       _/    |   /   |   \ 
/    |    \|        \  \     /   |        \ |    |   \  |    |   \    |  /    |    \
\____|__  /_______  /   \___/   /_______  / |____|_  /  |____|_  /______/\____|__  /
        \/        \/                    \/         \/          \/                \/

 __      __                 .__.__  .__      _____.__            .___                      
/  \    /  \ ____   __  _  _|__|  | |  |   _/ ____\__| ____    __| _/  ___.__. ____  __ __ 
\   \/\/   // __ \  \ \/ \/ /  |  | |  |   \   __\|  |/    \  / __ |  <   |  |/  _ \|  |  \
 \        /\  ___/   \     /|  |  |_|  |__  |  |  |  |   |  \/ /_/ |   \___  (  <_> )  |  /
  \__/\  /  \___  >   \/\_/ |__|____/____/  |__|  |__|___|  /\____ |   / ____|\____/|____/ 
       \/       \/                                        \/      \/   \/            

I checked the phone of my 12 yo cousin because she told me that he wanted her naked pictures and found this: https://imgur.com/a/ZaZOMDd

Name: Mateusz
Surname: Sadawa
City: Wrocław 
Zip Code: 53-601 
Street: Tęczowa 83T/38
Photo where he live: https://imgur.com/uU2pRxN
Phone number: 731484802 / 693586916
Date of birth: 28 October 98' 
Photo of face: https://imgur.com/a/RwtzOdq

 ____  __.__.__  .__    .__  __   
|    |/ _|__|  | |  |   |__|/  |_ 
|      < |  |  | |  |   |  \   __\
|    |  \|  |  |_|  |__ |  ||  |  
|____|__ \__|____/____/ |__||__|  

His roommates:

Fabian Rojszczyk
Photo of face:

Przemek Zborowski 
Photo of face:

.___        _____                            __  .__               
|   | _____/ ____\___________  _____ _____ _/  |_|__| ____   ____  
|   |/    \   __\/  _ \_  __ \/     \\__  \\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ 
|   |   |  \  | (  <_> )  | \/  Y Y  \/ __ \|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \
|___|___|  /__|  \____/|__|  |__|_|  (____  /__| |__|\____/|___|  /
         \/                        \/     \/                    \/



Starts in 2018 y
||||Current school||||
School: Wyższa szkoła bankowa Wrocław | Wrocław School of Banking
Field of study: IT (Informatics)
Addres of school: Fabryczna 29/31, 53-609 Wrocław

Starts 2014 Ends 2018
||||Middle School||||

School: Zespół Szkół Elektryczno - Elektronicznych im. prof. Janusza Groszkowskiego w Radomsku | Complex of Electrical and Electronic Schools
Addres of school: Narutowicza 12, 97-500 Radomsko

                                                                                **Social Media**






His passwords: Test123 ; Schinner98

.____    .__  _____       
|    |   |__|/ ____\____  
|    |   |  \   __\/ __ \ 
|    |___|  ||  | \  ___/ 
|_______ \__||__|  \___  >
        \/             \/ 

His father died of alcoholism, he left him alone with his mother, who later married and changed her family name. Mateusz stayed with his father's surname. 
Currently, he is living on ewhoring made on the photos of children whom he cheated on Facebook.

He lives with 2 colleagues who are also involved in his small business.

He had a multi-account on Facebook with different names, but he used the same profile picture.

This is not the first time that our friend has been phishing pictures from children

   _____                               ___________.__                 
  /     \   ____   ____   ____ ___.__. \_   _____/|  |   ______  _  __
 /  \ /  \ /  _ \ /    \_/ __ <   |  |  |    __)  |  |  /  _ \ \/ \/ /
/    Y    (  <_> )   |  \  ___/\___  |  |     \   |  |_(  <_> )     / 
\____|__  /\____/|___|  /\___  > ____|  \___  /   |____/\____/ \/\_/  
        \/            \/     \/\/           \/                      

Doxxed By: Kotras, Pizdon, Rupert