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        \/            \/     \/\______|               \/                                      

|  Personal Informations  |  
[+]Name: Mateusz "Wyjdź z szafy" Chmielarek
[+]Emails: mateuszchmielarek.2@gmail.com, biznes.chmielarek@gmail.com, mateusz.ch.biznes@gmail.com
[+]Phone numer: +48690***30
[+]Second Phone numer: +48708888941
[+]City: Warszawa, Mokotów
[+]Family town: Grodzisk Mazowiecki
[+]Hobby/passion: Scamming, Youtube, Hiding in his girl's wardrobe, Tiktok, Instagram, Vlogs
|      Social Media       |
[+]Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mateusz.chmielarek
[+]Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mateuszchmielarek/
[+]Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MafjuTube/
[+]Alt Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0LBjGHM0Hsg9nB0k0wRcw
[+]NameMC: https://pl.namemc.com/profile/Chmielarek.1
[+]E-korepetycje: https://www.e-korepetycje.net/chmielu14
[+]Zrzutka.pl: https://zrzutka.pl/profil/mateusz-chmielarek-91852 [old acc]
[+]Zrzutka.pl: https://zrzutka.pl/profil/mateusz-chmielarek-490455 [new acc]
|   Family Informations   |
[+]Name: Agata Chmielarek
[+]Role: Mother
[+]Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agata.chmielarek.14
[+]City: Grodzisk Mazowiecki
[+]Country: Poland
[+]Name: Filip Chmielarek
[+]Role: Brother
[+]Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/filip.chmielarek.90
[+]Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/filip_chmielarek/
[+]Snapchat: filipchmielarek
[+]City: Grodzisk Mazowiecki
[+]Country: Poland
[+]Name: Kinga Kostrzewa
[+]Role: Girlfriend
[+]Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kinga.kostrzewa.520
[+]Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anielskieskrzydlo/
[+]City: Opypy, Grodzisk Mazowiecki
[+]Country: Poland
[+]Name: Orys
[+]Role: Doge
[+]Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oryspies/
[+]City: Warszawa, Mokotów
[+]Country: Poland
[+]Name: Nelly
[+]Role: Hedgehog
[+]Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrs.nellyy/
[+]City: Warszawa, Mokotów
[+]Country: Poland
|     Firm Informations   |
[+]Website: https://polarizeshop.com
[+]NIP: 5291823564
[+]REGON: 381543998
|    Extra Informations   |
[+]He scam children on the mystery box on his website: https://polarizeshop.com
[+]He has parted with his girlfriend 20 times
[+]He likes to hide in wardrobes
[+]He is called "Young Entrepreneur"
[+]His ego is bigger than his girlfriend's wardrobe
[+]His drunk 13-year-old brother danced and sang and was recorded 
[+]He is an unfulfilled pianist
[+]He lived in the "House of Tiktokers"
[+]His father is incurably ill
[+]He cooperated with companies such as: "Mirinda", "Grześki", "Orbit"
[+]He recorded minecraft guides under the nickname "MafjuTube", later changed his nickname to "Mateusz Chmielarek" and they will start recording not funny pranks
[+]He drove a Mercedes with "WZ 786CA" registration, now he drives a Mustang with "WE 999WA" registration
|   Leaked IP addresses   |
[+]Name: Mafju
[+]Database: ts_standspeak
[+]Country: Poland
[+]Name: Mafju
[+]Database: hitmc.pl
[+]ISP: TM
[+]Country: Poland
|         Pictures        |
|   Fxcked by Dreejwik    |