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He "sale" GTA (Fivem Cheats) but scammed guys.
he makes in one day over 500$ 
Video of the Product what he "sale" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EntRChWYJyg&t

Her Paypal Pool where all the money goes | https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8rZpfd4Mxa

???????????????????? ????????????
Name: Bouchair Redwan
Living: 1 rue Francis de Pressencé, Lille Haut de france
Number Phone: 06 31 65 02 11
???????????????????????? ????????????????????
Discord: MasterLua#9998
Snapchat: redwanbouchair
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redwanbouchair/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWtSLZ0GEgY7IPR4XaP7Rg

Picture and Videos from him when he was younger:
Screenshots from Scam:

1. https://prnt.sc/vc45t4 (All Chats in one Picture)

1.1 | https://prnt.sc/vcokjz (How much cost)
1.2 | https://prnt.sc/vcoks9
1.3 | https://prnt.sc/vcol18
1.4 | https://prnt.sc/vcol92
1.5 | https://prnt.sc/vcoley (Part of say Price and sending Paypal Link and makes price lower)
1.6 | https://prnt.sc/vcolyw
1.7 | https://prnt.sc/vcoma1
1.8 | https://prnt.sc/vcomix (Money succsess sended , and he mean he is not home)
1.9 | https://prnt.sc/vcomxi (He is not home but play games see in discord infos)
2.0 | https://prnt.sc/vconbp (Part of no back answer and block.)