This individual masturbates to 6 year olds and is a massive nonce. =========== █┼█ ███ ███ ███ ┼┼ ███ █┼┼█ ███ ███================ =========== █┼█ █▄▄ █▄┼ █▄┼ ┼┼ ┼█┼ ██▄█ █▄┼ █┼█================ =========== ███ ▄▄█ █▄▄ █┼█ ┼┼ ▄█▄ █┼██ █┼┼ █▄█================ - Full name: Nathaniel Robert Manuel Machado - Address: 41 brown street Stratford on Canada - Postcode: N5A 0B8 - Age: 17 - Birthday: 22/7/07 - Instagram: realnatemachado - discord: drgeorgemaynard - TikTok: DrGeorgeMaynard Family info: - Mothers name: Lisa Sword Machado - Fathers name: Kevin Machado - Mothers Facebook: - Mothers Instagram: sahfre1 - Fathers Instagram: Choppy1980 His school - South Delta Secondary School His school info: Phone: 604-943-7407 Fax: 604-943-7405