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Hello truth seekers! You think it’s a joke to start posting shit during a pandemic where people are losing lives? 
COVID19 is a real virus and not some “myth” or “joke”. 
This person created a group on Facebook + Instagram named “NOMASKSSASKATCHEWAN” while poorly hiding who created it.

Enjoy all your personal information leaked!
First/Last name: Martine Carlina
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martine.carlina/ (archive: https://archive.li/I4opO )
Email: martinecarlina@gmail.com
Leaked Databases: 12 leaked databases on haveibeenpwned.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/martinecarlina/ 
Phone number: (306) 757-3128 + (306) 757-0150
Address: 1945 Garnet St, Regina, SK S4T 2Z5
Whitepages: https://www.whitepages.com/name/Martine-Carlina/Regina-SK/2p0q8jg (archive: https://archive.li/Ja6Kl )