|Doxed By: risk                                                                        |
|Reason For Dox: I'm sure by now you've all seen the video of this reject kicking an   |
|innocent man on the ground, almost killing him, while he was helping a transgender    |
|woman. Also for you retards that don't read context, when they claim he was "running  |
|people over" he was attempting to flee from the crowd after they assaulted his vehicle|
|right after helping the woman. One of the people in the way fell and he crashed       |
|shortly after, he never attempted to run anyone over. Leaving this here, do whatever  | 
|with it you feel like, however I am not condoning anything. Oh, and he also has       |
|multiple previous convictions which aren't hard to find.                              |

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    |       FUCK        /
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                             >[Victim Information]<
|Full Name:                                                                            |
|          - Marquise Lee Love                                                         |
|                - Height: 5' 09"                                                      |
|                - Weight: 160lbs                                                      |
|Phone Number(s):                                                                      |
|                - (503) •••-7431‬                                                      |
|                - ‪(971) •••-0440‬                                                      |
|                - (•••) •••-••06                                                      |
|                - ‎(•••) •••-••18                                                      |
|                - Text (•••) •••-••42                                                 |
|DOB:                                                                                  |
|    - September 8, 1994                                                               |
|Email(s):                                                                             |
|         - keese097@gmail.com                                                         |
|Picture:                                                                              |
|         - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Efmr77ZX0AAu8Ud?format=jpg&name=large          |
|         - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Efmtdz7WAAAfLKl?format=jpg&name=small          |
|         - https://twitter.com/Brittany3l/status/1295243374329569280                  |
|         - http://files.mugshots.io/imgs/2019/12/11/4172454.jpg                       |                                                     
|Aliases:                                                                              |
|         - keeselove94                                                                |
|         - 7keese                                                                     |
|         - dj.nba.pdx                                                                 |
                             >[Location Information]<
|Address:                                                                              |
|         - 3527 SW 170th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97003                                     |
|         - 245 NW Island Cir Apt A2 Beaverton OR 97006-8546                           |
|         - 19405 NW Mahama Way Apt C Portland OR 97229-3139                           |
|                                                                                      |
|         (Don't pull up to the addresses retards none were confirmed).                |
                             >[Social Media]<
|YouTube:                                                                              |
|          - https://www.youtube.com/user/7keese                                       |
|Instagram:                                                                            |
|          - https://www.instagram.com/dj.nba.pdx/                                     |
|Facebook:                                                                             |
|          - https://www.facebook.com/keeselove94                                      |
|Pinterest:                                                                            |
|          - https://www.pinterest.ru/keese097/                                        |
|Skype(s):                                                                             |
|          - keese097 - (marquise love)                                                |
|          - keese09  - (Keese Love)                                                   |
|          - keesee09 - (Keese Love)                                                   |