Hello and Welcome to MariyanoW's Dox the owner of CimentSquad ========================================================================================================================================= Reason for Dox: Ne podava na Fifa, Banva horata ot CimentSquad, Simpva momicheta w diskord, Mute-va horata v Team Pandi, Ne razbira ot muzika. ========================================================================================================================================= First Name: MariyanoW Middle Name: CimentSquad Last Name: Simp Age: No way hes over 16 (18) Birthday: 29 February 2003 Religion: Kanye West Social Accounts: https://www.instagram.com/mariyanow_/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?iid=1344421929172 Discord: MariyanoW#7003 -------------------------- Phone Number: 0877 549 136 Mothers Phone: 0877 945 026 (Monika Mariyanova) Fathers Phone: 0877 127 550 (Kristiyan Mariyanov) -------------------------- Address: Sofia, Bulgaria, Sandor Petiofi 1463, Boulevard Vitosha School: 22 Georgi Sava Rakovski -------------------------- Often goes around NDK with his alt-friends. ==================================== Photos: https://prnt.sc/242jbcc https://prnt.sc/242j3to https://prnt.sc/242j9mm ==================================== Dox by: Voennite Slujiteli Diskord Gangsteri.