    She d0x my friend for no reason, and she gives out completely false information of my friend


# info
    Name: Marie  
    First Name: Allard Damour  
    Origin: French  
    Religion: Muslim / Or atheist because wtf check out the Additional class  
    Gender: Female or Trans, not sure  
    Appearance: Blonde, Blue eyes, Anorexic build  
    Height: 1m70  
    Phone: +33 06 49 53 25 54  


# social medias

    Email: marie.allard@netcourrier.com  
    Instagram: @marie_spawn  
    Pinterest: mx.pinterest.com/allarddamour/  
    Discord: @ath1an3. & [1149016802043625493]  


# living

    Postal Code: 60930  
    City: Bailleul sur Thérain & [49.38345356775929, 2.2235845515751507]  
    School: Collège Condorcet & [9 bis Rue du Petit Chantilly BP 50, 60510 Bresles] & [+33 03 44 07 90 06] & [49.40967688566239, 2.2446026364360137]  


# additional

    Info: Claims to be Muslim but then shows a big picture of alcohol


# images

    Condorcet: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipONJ3jAfKWmwWzI8P7x42Hu0kMVu4-xXHoj2dKW=s680-w680-h510  
    Face: https://prnt.sc/tLV-QDx57v4A  
    Proof: https://prnt.sc/qryNZ-TQPS0G  


# random

    Target: marie.allard@netcourrier.com  



    Target: +33 06 49 53 25 54  

