_____            __         
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   | |   | '_ \  |  _|  / _ \ 
  _| |_  | | | | | |   | (_) |
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➣ Name: Lia Sophie  Ameskamp
➣ Gender: Female 
➣ country: Germany / Essen (Oldenburg)
➣ Zip Code: 49632
➣ birth date: 21/01/2008
➣ Age: 15
➣ School: Oberschule Essen 
➣ Class: 9A
➣ Neigborhood: Brookstrek
➣ adress: Eichenalle 14
➣ mobile number: +49 175 8105328 (also on whatsapp)
 Social info:
➣ insta: xxxxxx
➣ snap: just.mxren (I think she deleted so write on whatsapp)
➣ club: tnt.feat.nld
 Dox Reason:
➣ Very Racist person. Person that fetshames others amd also cyberbullyies. Please do something
 (btw. she also sends good nudes you should give a try)




Fuck Maren Kirchner 卐
And Merry Christmas Dumb Bitch