                 Who is there   Marco Ver Jagt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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d888888b  .d8b.  d8888b. db      d88888b       .d88b.  d88888b       
`~~88~~' d8' `8b 88  `8D 88      88'          .8P  Y8. 88'           
   88    88ooo88 88oooY' 88      88ooooo      88    88 88ooo         
   88    88~~~88 88~~~b. 88      88~~~~~      88    88 88~~~         
   88    88   88 88   8D 88booo. 88.          `8b  d8' 88            
   YP    YP   YP Y8888P' Y88888P Y88888P       `Y88P'  YP            
 .o88b.  .d88b.  d8b   db d888888b d88888b d8b   db d888888b .d8888. 
d8P  Y8 .8P  Y8. 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'     888o  88 `~~88~~' 88'  YP 
8P      88    88 88V8o 88    88    88ooooo 88V8o 88    88    `8bo.   
8b      88    88 88 V8o88    88    88~~~~~ 88 V8o88    88      `Y8b. 
Y8b  d8 `8b  d8' 88  V888    88    88.     88  V888    88    db   8D 
 `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 
                                                ║ → 0x10 | d0X reason............................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║

   ⛧ 0x10 -> d0x reason

a friend of mine asked if I want to dox his dad because he has a lot of problems 
with his dad and his dad did things that are not done so I decided to help him I will not add a full dox because it is too private only his address and little private info

(maybe later full dox)

   ⛧ 0x20 -> Personal Information
Enjoy ,  Marco Ver Jagt  if you're reading this , fuck you, cunt, bitch, faggot.

   ⛧ Online Alias(s)
  he does not have that 

   ⛧ Full Name + Age
   Marco Van Der Jagt  
   6 juli 1978 (41)
   ⛧ Address                                                                        
   bakboordstraat 41
   Postal Code (1433 SP)                             
   House  ->
   ⛧ Job                                                               
   Bouwbedrijf G.C. Burgers

   ⛧ Phone Number(s)

   ⛧ Email(s)

  ⛧ Picture(s)
   ───────────── , ,
(his new girlfriend) 
Debby van Tol (Pictures) , ,


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#~-._    _--._    ,+-\  `.          |       !             !\    #<>`.          Getting social media information, please wait...
     #~-#     #~# l| l`.  "-.       "       ' ~-._..-+~#~  \`. ,' !
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    - ~#    .,     *    `-'   ..       _*@*


   ⛧ 0x30 -> Social Media
  this dox is very private so thats why we don't add soical media 
  (due to private reasons i won't evolve this section)

 (maybe later)
⛧ 0x50 -> Outro
Cya motherfuckers <3

Dox made by | Grєy -炎 
