							           		   modderongames and vermillion

							           		   ┋The dox below is on the cunt who called us retard   ┋
							            		   ┋So we proved him wrong                              ┋
							   		           ┋The only thing used to dox was vrchat user name XD  ┋
							              		   ┋                                                    ┋
							                           ┋                                                    ┋
							            		   ┋                                                    ┋


                                                                                             ║   Section 1: Reason           ║
                								             ║   Section 2: Victim's Info    ║
                								             ║   Section 3: Social's         ║
                								             ║   Section 4: Relative's       ║
                								             ║   Section 5: Picture's        ║
                								             ║   Section 6: Link's           ║ 

                                                                                   ┃  Section 1: Reason                                 ┃

											┃   ????Calling us retarded
											┃   ????Furry
											┃   ????Simping on fortnite avatars

                                                                                   ┃  Section 2: Victim's Info                          ┃

											┃Name:Marcel Zahr
											┃Height:1M 77CM
											┃Eye Color:Brouwn
											┃Hair Color:Black
											┃  ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃  ???? Past:None
                                                                                        ┃Phone Number:None
											┃  ???? Current:None
											┃  ???? Past:None
											┃IP Address:None

                                                                                   ┃  Section 3: Social's                               ┃

											┃  ???? Username:MeowscaradaGrassCat1995#6275
											┃  ???? ID:1111027139471495189
                                                                                        ┃Spotify:Marcel EeveeFox Zahr
                                                                                        ┃Epic games:ExoMeowscarada95
                                                                                        ┃Steam:SprigatitotheGrassMagicCat =ID= 76561199343634674

                                                                                   ┃  Section 4: Relative's                             ┃

											┃  ???? Name:Muna Zahr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Female
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:None
											┃     ???? Past: None


											┃  ???? Name:Wassim Zahr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Male
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:(780) 473-4093
											┃     ???? Past:None


											┃  ???? Name:Daniel Zaphr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Male
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:None
											┃     ???? Past:None


											┃  ???? Name:Nick Zahr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Male
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:None
											┃     ???? Past:None


											┃  ???? Name:Ty Zaphr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Male
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:None
											┃     ???? Past:None


											┃  ???? Name:Jewel zahr
											┃  ???? DOB/Age:None
											┃  ???? Gender:Female
											┃  ???? Race:White
											┃  ???? Address:
											┃     ???? Current:10409 155 Ave NW, Edmonton AB, T5X5B1
											┃     ???? Past:None
											┃  ???? Phone Number:
											┃     ???? Current:None
											┃     ???? Past:None

                                                                                   ┃  Section 5: Picture's                              ┃

											┃  ???? Victims Face:https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1110995821270421695/1114928175353434122/image.png?width=607&height=611
											┃  ???? Fathers Face:https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1110995821270421695/1114908672892620931/31143705_10156055665590259_1493191801395403865_n.jpg?width=611&height=611
											┃  ???? Mothers Face:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1110995821270421695/1114925178531631184/344354486_151780561183072_2798655959548707651_n.jpg

                                                                                   ┃  Section 6: Link's                                 ┃
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/sami.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/ty.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/nick.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/janetghaiszahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/wassim.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/daniel.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/jewel.zahr
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/nizar.zahr.1
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/ekram.zahrshoujaa
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154539058475259&set=pb.535890258.-2207520000.&type=3
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/marcel.zahr.98
											┃  ???? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093081432762
KillClan https://discord.gg/Yp9wSApa6K Maybe .gg/killclan