0x01 - 

MARC, a 20 year old (practically 21) who lives at home, can’t commit to a job and scarcely does pizza deliveries for a precarious living.

Has daddy issues and lives in a dusty ass apartment 3 bedroom apartment with 6 people 
He also has been exposed multiple times for having child porn, and resending it even recently. He belonged merely to multiple CP sharing groups on kik. An example of this is he's in unauthorized possession of Hajars underage ass shaking gif (classy right?) 
Severely threatens to rape girls on Telegram and Kik, such as Hemely, Mia, Hajar and Loren.
He has a history of stalking girls non-stop for years.

0x03 -
Full name - Marc Alan Wheeler Jr
Age: 20
Number: +12679124326
Aliases: Marc, Marcus, Mark, Markus, Demarcus and Godson
Country: USA
Address: 69 Springton Rd 
Upper Darby, PA 19082-4822

8566 Provident Street Philadelphia PA

Salary: $100 a month

Places of employment: Uber Eats, Walmart, Target and Amazon

Telegram: @Gods0n
Snap: Marcmywords130
More to be added later


Pamela Lynette Wheeler (+12152481896) 





Marc Alan Wheeler SENIOR (+16106233509) 


Other relatives 

•Dad's side of the family 

Tamara L Wheeler (Tamara's current phone number is (610) 626-2326)

Norma J Wheeler [https://www.facebook.com/norma.wheeler49] 

Marquia Lynn Wheeler [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008734261916] 

Cheryl L Wheeler [https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.wheeler.9659] 

Pamela Lynette Madden (Facebook profile above) 

•Mom's side of the family

Melanie D "Hart" Peebles [https://www.facebook.com/melaniebonafidecap.peebles] 

Renee L Madden [https://www.facebook.com/renee.madden.54]

Tiffany Scott ^Renee Maddens daughter^ [https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.scott.35762241] 

Kayla Nyiema Madden [https://www.facebook.com/kayla.f.madden] 

Barbara A Hart [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009680269064] 

William T Madden

Dashaun Madden [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009146812044] 

David Madden [https://www.facebook.com/david.madden.5203] 

Alvin Peebles [https://www.facebook.com/alvin.peebles.5]

Koleka Peebles [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006664607344]

Doxxed by Schutz

My Telegram: @ripyouniggerr

My kik: @fuckniggersandbetas