Name:Nikodem Harkot
Address:Wioślarska 13, 86-005 Przyłęki
Description: dark brown short hair, glasses with black frames, braces, height about 180 cm, usually wearing a Nike tracksuit and a North Face jacket
School address:Toruńska 44, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
His Facebook:

Pls Doxbin him the police don't have enough evidence and I want him to get justice and answer for what he did to me and my cousin 
 if you're reading this, you can also do something about his friend who was also involved in all this shit

His Frend

Name:Marcin Zwięczak
Address:Wioślarska 9, 86-005 Przyłęki
Description: dark brown hair, buzz cut hairstyle, height about 170cm, slim build, usually dressed in jeans and polo shirts
School address:Świętej Trójcy 37, 85-224 Bydgoszcz
His Facebook: