Doxed by xyz
Reason For Dox: A 15 year old girl sent him a half nude fan sign which he claims he was not aware of her age, Regardless of this he used it as an avi and header on twitter. Since i couldnt prove that he did or didn't ask for the picture  i decided to leave it, I ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt and gave him a second chance. Not even 12 hours later hes on twitter calling other users pedos who are innocent. So this is being released for the main reason that hes being a hypocrite by calling other people pedos when he was called one himself and threw a hissy fit about it. you had the chance and you blew it. Congrats Mr Tac.
Personal Information:
Full Name: Foyez Rahman
Phone number: N/A
Age: 25 17/09/1995
Profession: Clown
Hobbies: Running, Gaming
School: Birmingham City University 
Alias: Tac
IP Address Information
ISP: Virgin Media
Type: Residential
Hostname: cpc80829-perr16-2-0-cust642.19-1.cable.virginm.net
Location Information:
32 Carshalton Road
City: Birmingham
State: West Midlands
Zip: B44 0TJ
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Home Information:
House Worth: £180,000
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 1
Reception rooms: 2
Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaliciousTAC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foyez.rahman.5
Snapchat: foyezr1
Notes: This dox is incomplete i will add more once i have time to dig. 

Dont be a fucking clown once youve already been given a chance to amend your mistakes. 