Enjoy it retards

 [0x01] General

  Fullname: ROCHELLE  CLERKIN       Reason:
  Firstname: ROCHELLE                 Pedophile thats all you
  Lastname: CLERKIN                   need to know.                 c=====e
  Date of Birth: 11/22/2002                                            H
  Gender: F          ____________   Aliases: Mako10101, Mako10102  _,,_H__
  Age: 21           (__((__((___()                                //|     |
                   (__((__((___()()______________________________// |ACME |
                  (__((__((___()()()-----------------------------'  |_____|

 [0x02] Juice

          .-'       \ ___)        │ Driver License: NOT FOUND
       .-'         \\\            │ State: NOT FOUND
    .-'        ___  \\)           │ Issue Date: NOT FOUND
 .-'          /  (\  |)           │ Expiry Date: NOT FOUND
          __  \  ( | |            │ Note: Womp Womp no DL :(
         /  \  \__'| |            │
        /    \____).-'            │ Phone: (408) 792 8037
      .'       /   |              │  > Cellco dba Verizon Wireless
     /     .  /    |              │
   .'     / \/     |              │ Full Address: 1005 Winsome Ct
  /      /   \     |              │ City: Wayne
        /    /    _|_             │ State: PA
        \   /    /\ /\            │ Zip Code: 19087-2193
         \ /    /__v__\           │ County: Chester
          '    |       |          │
               |     .#|          │ College: Penn State
               |#.  .##|          │ Major: Cybersecuity (SYS ADMIN)
               |#######|          │
               |#######|          │ Face: https://imgur.com/a/X2TdZa2
            <_____________> ___
            |             |/ _ \          .-.
            | SSN:          | |          (o o) Dont mind me!
            | 605-37-9250   |_|          | O \
         ___|             |\___/          \   \
        /    \___________/    \            `~~~'

[0x03] Deeds

Owners: Thomas Clerkin Kimberly Clerkin
Address Line 1: 3217 Bayland DR
Address Line 2: Ocean City , NJ 08226-2108
County: Cape May                              _
Assessed Value: 1224900                      ;`',
Purchase Price: 550000                       `,  `,
Purchase Date: 9/17/2019                      ',   ;   ,,-""==..,
                                               \    ','          \
│  Record Year: 11/04/2021             ,-""'-., ;    '    __.-="-.;
│  FIPS Municipal Code: 34009        ," ,,_    "V      _."
│  Mortgage Value: 0                ;,'   ''-,          "=--,_
│  Mortgage Date:                          ,-''    _  _       `,
│  Mortgage Type:                         /   ,.-+(_)(_)´--.,   ;
│  Mortgage Number:                      ,'  /   ; (_)       `\ ,
│  Mortgage Term:                        ; ,/    ;._.;         ;
│  Mortgage Due:                         !,'     ;   ;
                                         V'      ;   ;
Owners: Kevin J Clerkin Susan P Clerkin          ;._.;
Address Line 1: 125 California ST                ;   ;
Address Line 2: Ridgewood , NJ 07450-1308        ;   ;
County: Bergen                                   ;._.;
Assessed Value: 1000000                          ;   ;
Purchase Price: 1137500                         .´   `.
Purchase Date: 6/10/2019                  __,.--;.___.;--.,___
                                    _,,-""      ;     ;       ""-,,_
│  Record Year: 12/11/2018      .-´´            ;     ;             ``-.
│  FIPS Municipal Code: 34003  ",              ´       `               ,"
│  Mortgage Value: 384000        "-_                                _-"
│  Mortgage Date: 09/04/2018         ``----..,_          __,,..bmw-´
│  Mortgage Type: MG                           ```''''´´´
│  Mortgage Number: 2018.18-069267
│  Mortgage Term: 360 MONTHS
│  Mortgage Due: 01/01/2048