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                                            \_|    \___/ \____/\_| \_/\____/|___/   \____/  \_/  

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                                                                REST IN SHIT FURFAG

                                        ║                           INTRODUCTION                           ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    Reason:                                                       ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    - Manipluates Children to Believe fucking animals is "normal" ║
                                        ║      aka making them join the furry fandom.                      ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    Information:                                                  ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    - Doxx made with enjoyment by Erwin Wermach.                  ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║

                                -> Personal
                                    Name: Kyle Summers
                                    Alias: tallfuzzball, Majira Strawberry, Majira
                                    Dob: June 18th, 1996
                                    Adress: 1836 Sunset Ave, Akron, OH 44301
                                    Home Pic: https://i.ibb.co/2gy9TCM/Screenshot-2023-12-14-203958.png
                                    Home Info: https://i.ibb.co/mThj7D3/Screenshot-2023-12-14-204230.png
                                    Crime Records: 4 total (3 unknowen, 1 suspicion for rape by the fbi)

                                -> Private
                                    Phone: +1 (330) 704-5811
                                     -> Phone Infos
                                         Location:  Ohio
                                         Carrier: Cellco Partnership Dba Verizon Wireless-Oh
                                         Type: Mobile

                                    Email: kyleispurrfect@gmail.com, MajiraStrawberry@gmail.com, kyleisperfect1@gmail.com, majirapatreon@gmail.com, tallfuzzball@gmail.com
                                     -> Email Infos
                                         -> Database Breaches

                                             Wattpad: (2020)
                                              Obfuscated Password: $2y$10$9iqwQtVDIbocauW9Yiy5l.2vhhxr3xURsAhOeEyBcp8iD.ODEX24C
                                              Date: 2016-05-07 00:56:23
                                              Nick: majirastrawberry
                                              Full Name: Majira Strawberry
                                              Country: US

                                             Twitter: (2022)
                                              Reg-date: 20.02.2012 17:37:11
                                              Nick: tallfuzzball
                                              Full Name: sleepy red fox @mff
                                              Followers: 98605
                                              Reg-date: 20.02.2012 17:37:11
                                              Nick: tallfuzzball
                                              Full Name: sleepy red fox @mff
                                              Followers: 98790

                                             Minecraft Databases: (since 2010 and above)
                                              Data: :pugshugs (2x times), MajiraStrawberry;;[];;d3d72f12c979f0b70814dbc2dee329c4
                                              Leak-Data: lbsg.net_2_clean, lbsg.net_5.7m, LBSG.net_MD5_12M_January_2016

                                             Lifeboat: (2016)
                                              Obfuscated Password: d3d72f12c979f0b70814dbc2dee329c4
                                              Nick: MajiraStrawberry
                                              Password: pugshugs
                                             Ga$$Pacc: (2020)
                                              Password: pugshugs (3x times)
                                              Leak: Lbsg.net, LSGB.net, SGB.net

                                              Password: killer66 (2x times)
                                              Nick: MajiraStrawberrymun (2x times)
                                              Linked: https://discordapp.com/register (2x times)

                                             Gravatar scrape 2023:
                                              Nick: majirastrawberry
                                              Avatar: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/7f49fd2eeeebd4bad558cc3122917c72

                                             Quidd: (2019)
                                              Obfuscated Password: $2a$10$/8uMZA95eRj5caYzjbbHsegfCS42XmHS5VMyeeIQA0uI9bkVVZfR6
                                              Nick: tallfuzzball

                                             Instagram Parsing: (2022)
                                              Nick: tallfuzzball
                                              Full Name: Majira Strawberry
                                              Instagram-ID: 2743992874
                                    Ip:, (Federal Recorded ones)

                                -> Socials
                                    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@majira
                                    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/majirastrawberry
                                    Old-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqFAZ6u3fRqfLM-mY802jIA
                                    Store: https://www.majira.storenvy.com/
                                    Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/majira
                                    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/majira
                                    Twitter: https://twitter.com/tallfuzzball
                                    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tallfuzzball/
                                    Tumblr: https://night-howlers.tumblr.com/
                                    Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/summertime/$
                                    Vine: https://www.vine.co/majira