
IMEI: 35373218729 (changed)
Country: Sweden
City: Stockholm
Age: 15
Phone Number: +46734809515
Real Name: Omar Merik/Tamim
Device: Galaxy S10
ISP: S.A.S Online/Admax AB
Location: 59.3287, 18.0717
IMEI (changed): 846873268468326876
Region: Stockholm county
Email: MRHoulz@gmail.com
Password (doesn't work): MRHoulz6404
Hostname: 192-121-133-95.vcded01.virtualcenter.se
City (V2): Tallinn
Region (V2): Harjumaa
Country (V2): Estonia
Location: 59.4323,24.7602
org: AS39806 Admax AB
Postal: 10145
Personality: Houlz is a kid who loves maiko very much WTF!, and he is an asshole and betrayer and giving sins and scam everyone ASGFRULLAH FAKE MUSLIM CONFIRMED. And he is scammer scams everyone on discord and his name is Omar merik
and his brother name Tamim and he wanna be a god WTF GIVE ME A HOLY WATER!
Face:  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/918191931526357032/1065154035260330126/Screenshot_20230117-152832_Discord.jpg?width=225&height=426 


Name: Maiko Nicolette Brackett
Race: White
Address: 25 Ball Park Rd, Pleasant Point, ME 04667, USA
PO box: PO Box 345 Perry, ME 04667
Phone Number: (207) 853-2909 (Landline/House Phone)
Emails: maikothesuperior@gmail.com

Grandmother: Annie M Brackett
Phone Numbers
(207) 853-2909 (Landline/House Phone)
Email Addresses
psuwossis@hotmail.com (possibly false)
e2289824@gmail.com (not work)
IP Address:
State: Maine, California, Ankara?
Road: 25 Ball Park
City: Concord, ME, Ankara?
Countries: USA, Turkey
Postal Code: 04667 or 94519 or 04143
Locations: 37.9841,-122.0119
Region: Portland, Pleasant Point
School : Lyman Moore Middle School
School Phone Number: +1 (207) 874-8150
School Address: 171 Auburn Street Portland, ME 04103
School Leader: Mr Benjamin Donaldson
Address (not original):US, WA, Bothell, 3700 Monte Villa Parkway, 98021
Address: 25 ball park rd, pleasant point, me 04667, America (or) 25 Ballpark Dr, Portland, ME 04103
House cost: 784,200$
House rent: 4,800$
Square foot of the house: 3444 sqft
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Full bathrooms: 2
1/2 bathrooms: 1
Pics of house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1081612812352237651/1124751470810648576/2Q.png
IMEI: 355229705016158
Device: Galaxy A13 (version: Android 13}
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-A146P34.107
Local IP:
Real Name: Maiko
Family Status: She lives with her grandmother, and with his cousin
Other things: They have a black truck and a mid house and a cousin 8 year old
Friends: Scorpion (her ex), Chameleon, and Baslik, First Last
Age: 16
Personality of maiko is a retarded edgy emo ass girl who loves shuaiby aslams suicide video. LMAO! And she also draws rule34 pornography as only a teenager. WHAT THE FUCK! And she is an idiot and Islamophobic, HOLY SHIT! And also a fake christian and she is athiest, OH GIVE ME HOLY WATER!
IMEI: 355229705016158
Discord: 600mk
YT: @600mk or @600_ (Links: https://youtube.com/@600_)
Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1130875952688287784/1130944891824898078/20230718_124238.png
Betrayer exposed