Małgorzata Miączyńska
FATHER: Maciej Zabagło
school: X LO im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Katowicach
born: 2005
years: 19
discord: mooncia
lol acc: GohaMoon#uwuv
favourite discord server: CUMPLE DISA
illness: bipolar probably depression, attends psychiatrist
BANK IBAN: PL 92 1240 4315 1111 0010 8879 1123
town: Mysłowice
Nationality: Poland
Job: Cashier/Housekeeper Biedronka
her: attends dances at the Przebudzenie club, 
     has had mental problems since childhood,
     mother threw her out of the house,
     general wreck of a human being,
     has been seeing a psychiatrist since she was 10 years old,
     shits on discords on a daily basis

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all for fun :)