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-------------------------------------------------A little information about Magnus-----------------------------------------------------------------
- Spoiled Brat.
- Nobody likes him.
- His own father abused him and his mother so much that they had to file a restraining order against him . He now lives with his stepfather and mother.
- 3+ years of playing nethpot, but still a bad ht3.
- One of his family members has cancer.
- Goes to one of the worst schools in his city.
- Got mental and physical scars from his fathers abuse
- Egoistical
- Pulled down his pants and underwear on camera in discord call then showed his dick ( only included the part of him having his pants pulled down at his ankles ) https://imgur.com/undefined
- Abuses his dog

-------------------------------------------------Personal Information------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Full Name: Magnus Hemmingby
- Ip Address
- City: Lillestrøm
- Address: Glabakkveien 7 2007 Kjeller
- Picture of House: https://imgur.com/a/Mu0yI8z
- Pictures of Him: https://imgur.com/7TSrukr  https://imgur.com/H7OYdmp  https://imgur.com/OTmkBpF  https://imgur.com/LFBoWU2


---------------------------------------------------------Family Information------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Mothers Name: Anette Pernille Hemmingby
- Real Fathers Name: Unknown
- Step Fathers Name: Stephane Nicolas
- Fathers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snicolasno
- Mothers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anette.hemmingby
- His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078476094001 
- Mothers Phone Number: 920411169
- His mother is a heavy alcoholic and depressed after facing many years of abuse by her old husband
- Takes Antidepressants to stop herself from taking her life after years of abuse by her old husband
- Step Fathers Phone Number: 913859197
- Real Fathers Phone Number : Unknown
- Mothers Earnings: https://imgur.com/fnSSF05
- Step Fathers Earnings: https://imgur.com/Htky6G7
- Real Fathers Earnings: Unknown
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magnushmngby/
- Discord: magnus12345
- Discord ID: 1008741867569029140

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