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                                                @ 0x10 | Introduction................ @
                                                @ 0X20 | Confirmations............... @
                                                @ 0X30 | Author's notes.............. @
                                                @ 0X40 | Personal Information........ @
                                                @ 0x50 | Social Media................ @
                                                @ 0x60 | Family...................... @
                                                @ 0x70 | IP Information.............. @
                                                @ 0x80 | Credits..................... @

     ,,                           ,,                ,,                  ,...       
    *MM                           db                db                .d' ""       
     MM                                                               dM`          
     MM,dMMb.   ,6"Yb.  ,pP"Ybd `7MM  ,p6"bo      `7MM  `7MMpMMMb.   mMMmm,pW"Wq.  
     MM    `Mb 8)   MM  8I   `"   MM 6M'  OO        MM    MM    MM    MM 6W'   `Wb 
     MM     M8  ,pm9MM  `YMMMa.   MM 8M             MM    MM    MM    MM 8M     M8 
     MM.   ,M9 8M   MM  L.   I8   MM YM.    ,       MM    MM    MM    MM YA.   ,A9 
     P^YbmdP'  `Moo9^Yo.M9mmmP' .JMML.YMbmd'      .JMML..JMML  JMML..JMML.`Ybmd9'  

     Full Name: Madi Shepard
     Discord Name: madss#0420
     Phone Number: (815) 590-3054 
     Pics Of her:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909127281635631136/912392155828453436/IMG_0392.jpg

                                 ,,             ,,          
                                 db           `7MM          
     ,pP"Ybd  ,pW"Wq.   ,p6"bo `7MM   ,6"Yb.    MM  ,pP"Ybd 
     8I   `" 6W'   `Wb 6M'  OO   MM  8)   MM    MM  8I   `" 
     `YMMMa. 8M     M8 8M        MM   ,pm9MM    MM  `YMMMa. 
     L.   I8 YA.   ,A9 YM.    ,  MM  8M   MM    MM  L.   I8 
     M9mmmP'  `Ybmd9'   YMbmd' .JMML.`Moo9^Yo..JMML.M9mmmP' 

     Insta: @madsspoggies
     SnapChat: shepard.madi
       ,,                                               ,,                  ,...       
     `7MM                                               db                .d' ""       
       MM                                                                 dM`          
       MMpMMMb.  ,pW"Wq.`7MMpMMMb.pMMMb.  .gP"Ya      `7MM  `7MMpMMMb.   mMMmm,pW"Wq.  
       MM    MM 6W'   `Wb MM    MM    MM ,M'   Yb       MM    MM    MM    MM 6W'   `Wb 
       MM    MM 8M     M8 MM    MM    MM 8M""""""       MM    MM    MM    MM 8M     M8 
       MM    MM YA.   ,A9 MM    MM    MM YM.    ,       MM    MM    MM    MM YA.   ,A9 
     .JMML  JMML.`Ybmd9'.JMML  JMML  JMML.`Mbmmd'     .JMML..JMML  JMML..JMML.`Ybmd9'  

      Address:3308 15th Ave Sterling, IL  61081 United States
      House Story: 3 Storys
      NetWorth: $50,000–$99,999
      Income: $75,000-$99,999
      living unit: 2 Peolpe living in the house
      Refinance amount: $134,000                                                                                              
                       ,,                  ,,                            
                     `7MM           mm     db                            
                       MM           MM                                   
     `7Mb,od8 .gP"Ya   MM   ,6"Yb.mmMMmm `7MM `7M'   `MF'.gP"Ya  ,pP"Ybd 
       MM' "',M'   Yb  MM  8)   MM  MM     MM   VA   ,V ,M'   Yb 8I   `" 
       MM    8M""""""  MM   ,pm9MM  MM     MM    VA ,V  8M"""""" `YMMMa. 
       MM    YM.    ,  MM  8M   MM  MM     MM     VVV   YM.    , L.   I8 
     .JMML.   `Mbmmd'.JMML.`Moo9^Yo.`Mbmo.JMML.    W     `Mbmmd' M9mmmP' 
     Father Name: Ricky L Shepard
     Dad Email: mrd8889@hotmail.com
     LandLine:(815) 626-9683
     Moblie Number:(815) 718-2831
     Pic of fahter: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910338737521696799/912386828349362226/29432991_2187713044782399_3528880370323816448_n.png
     Pic of father 2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/910338737521696799/912388452530663484/10580902_1543851062501937_3426300607734188634_o.png
     County: Whiteside
     Father Address: 1007 21st St, Rock Falls, IL, 61071-2719
     Zip Code: 61081
     Property value: 20 369 USD
     Other Reletives: Nicholas A Shepard
     Current address: 7645 N Kishwaukee Rd, Stillman Valley, IL, 61084-9468
     Emal: michael.shepard@rcn.com
     Phone: (815) 860-2071

