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• ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? - ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????.

????????????????: This dox is very vague. I've decided to try and keep things short and simple instead of going into every little detail about pumpchkin's personal life. If you want more information
on this individual, go conduct your own research. A simple search for 'Crandalyn Floyd' will reveal all there is to know.

i wrote this dox at 1am so ignore any mistakes if you find any ????


───── ❝ ???????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????? ❞ ─────

pumpchkin was without question the most famous user on moviestarplanet.com. from 2011-2017, she remained the richest and highest level player on the game. throughout her time on the
game, the msp community has always questioned her real identity.

to hide her real identity, pumpchkin decided to develop a fake one. since then, everyone believed she was a teenage girl called carolyn – this is far from the truth.

───── ❝ ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ❞ ─────

i've decided to release pumpchkin's dox to showcase how disgusting this individual truly is to those that were never aware. moviestarplanet, according to their website, is an online game
with a social network aspect targeted towards children aged 8-13 years old. pumpchkin was 26 when she joined moviestarplanet. she graduated high school 11 years before she even joined the
game. ???? i've had this information for a good while now and wasn't planning on bringing this to light again after making this very public on twitter, however i've been seeing a lot
of misinformation being spread about her identity so i'm here once again to set the record straight. all information posted here isn't alleged, it's fact. all of the information
provided in this dox is public information available on the internet. at the time of writing this dox, all of this information is still available online. if you're denying
this information as fact and still continue to support this grown woman who spent her days cat fishing, grooming and harassing children on a kids game, you're retarded, plain and simple.

───── ❝ ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ❞ ─────

i retained pumpchkin's email addresses thanks to a simple security flaw on moviestarplanet that allowed myself and others to view the email address attached to any account. from this, i
was able to gather the exact email addresses pumpchkin had attached to all of her accounts. after gathering this crucial information, it only took a single google search before i knew
who the real pumpchkin was. now that i've cleared that up, let's get into the dox.

───── ❝ ???????????????????????????????????? ❞ ─────

???????????????? ????????????????: Crandalyn N Floyd
???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????: December 20, 1984
????????????: 36 (At the time of writing this dox)
???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????: 14235 S Clark St; Riverdale, IL 60827-2509
???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????: Liberty Temple High School in Chicago, IL (https://www.classmates.com/people/Crandalyn-Floyd/8706461868)
???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????: Currently in a relationship with Donnie C (Donchea Bryce)

???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????:
107 W 141st St; Riverdale, IL 60827-2220	
1607 Country Lakes Dr, APT 102; Naperville, IL 60563-9036	
1651 Westminster Dr, APT 112; Naperville, IL 60563-9231	
107 W 141 Clarck St; Riverdale, IL 60827	
1315 Modaff Rd, UNIT C10; Naperville, IL 60565-6164	
1315 Modaff Rd, UNIT B10; Naperville, IL 60565-6161	
107 N Clark St; Chicago, IL 60602-1301	
107 141 Clarck W St; Riverdale, IL 60827	
14235 S Clark St; Chicago, IL 60827-2509
13813 S Michigan Avenue,Riverdale,IL,60827

???????????????????? ????????????????????????:

???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????:	

???????????????????? ????????????:

???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????:
????????????????????????????: https://twitter.com/_pumpchkin_
????????????????????????????: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoUWOoC9zhkhEe26_FXv6WQ
????????????????????????????????????: https://www.instagram.com/aka_pump/


i've got a lot more info on the rest of the dream team members who are associated
with pumpchkin (donnie c and kylie_kardash), however i will not be adding that
information here because they are honestly just irrelevant. just know that they
are all old as fuck and should not be trusted. fuck the lot of them. ????

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both pumpchkin and donnie c attended court back in 2019 after pumpchkin was involved
in some kind of motor vehicle accident. they were trying to demand a claim of
$50,000. i just thought i'd add this here as i found it funny that they were both in
a court room together. get their asses back in there, they both need investigating! ????

????????????????????????: https://www.docketalarm.com/cases/Illinois_State_Cook_County_Circuit_Court/2019-L-011981/CRANDOLYN_FLOYD_et_al._v._DAVID_WEKSEL/

  ___   _ _    __| |
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 \___| |_||_| \__,_|

due to this information being quite old now, some details may have changed. if you'd like more information about the grooming, lies & manipulation of team pump/the dream team,
a youtube channel called 'MSP Conspiracies' has given a good general overview of the whole situation. i'd take their video with a grain of salt though, as some of the information
they have shown in their video isn't completely accurate.

???????????????????? ????????????????: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiA_ee4SQuY

in regards to all of the team pump/dream team accounts, the majority of them have been hacked and sold.

???????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????:

• Vivi Giovanni (Locked Forever)
• Skrilla
• SnuggleMuffens
• Papa Flame (Locked Forever)
• TanaMayne
• BabyCuteStuff
• SnuggleMuffens
• Freckles BabyGio
• Benzino Bugatti

(i'm probably missing some)

???????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????:
• CuteStuff.
• Donnie C
• pumpi
• Kylie_Kardash

i am no longer interested in hoarding rich high level msp accounts, so those
that want to attempt to hack the accounts that still remain, go ahead.

the password to all of the team pump accounts i cracked was dc262626

the password to pumpchkin's account was angel123, however that account had already
been hacked before i even had the chance to crack it. pumpchkin's account has
since been locked forever.


for those wondering where i went, i no longer play or associate with msp, i've
moved on to bigger and better things. 2011-2021. ✌️

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