						| ✪ | Reason...........................|                                               
						| ✪ | Victim's Info....................|
						| ✪ | Numbers..........................|                       
						| ✪ | Socials..........................|                        
						| ✪ | Emails...........................|                                      
						| ✪ | Credits..........................|                                                               
        |	        reason                                     |

	Sending gore, flirting with children, being a pedo, flexing fake doxxes, flexing doxxes he didnt do, and being an asshole. 
        |	        victims's Info                             |
	☆ Name: Michael Sylvester Rousseau	
	☆ Age: 19	
	☆ DOB: N/A		
	☆ Gender: Male
	☆ Race: Black
	☆ Country: Canada
        ☆ Region: North		
	☆ City: Ottawa, ON
	☆ Address: 16 Rue Doucet, Gatineau, QC J8Y 5N3, Canada

	Dad Info:
	☆ Name: Winchell Rousseau	
	☆ Address: 16 Rue Doucet, Gatineau, QC J8Y 5N3, Canada
	☆ Occupation: Musical Artist
	☆ Phone Number: (819) 772-8697
	☆ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/winchell.rousseau
	☆ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi6Vj2lMQMB9vrFUdiyI8-g
	☆ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/winchell-rousseau



	☆ Provider: Videotron General Partnership
	☆ Usage: Cell Number
	☆ Country: Canada
	☆ Location: Montreal, QC
	☆ Area code: 438
	☆ Prefix: 495

        |	        numbers                                    |

	☆ (613)-297-2189
	☆ (819) 772-8697
	☆ (438)-495-6879

        |	        socials                                    |
	☆ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/qtxyo4wr9rsiexpceyom2r6nt			   
	☆ Steam:		
	☆ Twitch:		
	☆ Twitter:		
	☆ Roblox: IMovessI, PepsiLaGhetto	 	

        |	        Emails                                     |

	☆ Emails:   


        |	        credits                                    |


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