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Why not we ratted you so get fucked
Because you look like a tranny
Your a femboy that likes females like?                       
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We got this info from ratting him. We also logged into his IRL
instagram and took the pictures and name from there. We know this
is real info because he had someone from the gang monkey com in
his dms. We also got his MadaraVRC instagram account.
Name:                         Jordan Mcrane
Race:                         White/Mex
Gender:                       Male                        
Sexuality:                    Straight
Relationship Status:          Single
D.O.B:                        4/13/07
Age:                          15
Address:                      19 Church St, Littleton, New Hampshire
Online Alias:                 Madara
Steam id:                     Mommy Madara
Snapchat:                     madara.0001
E-mail:                       toxicitymadara@gmail.com
Twitter:                      MadEra
Youtube:                      Swat
Instagram:                    MadaraVRC
Reddit:                       MadaraSkid
Now those pics of him in the green background are fake!!!!!!!!
He sent those out in an attempt to avoid being doxxed abit ago
These pics are confirmed through his instagram and irl homie!!

(New YearsEve 2022)https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029760718196703344/1073129248824504330/Madara_NewYearsEve_2022.png
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