Title - Lyre and vega
Reason for Dox: Lyre was working on a site with me so had my hosting info, 
                he decided to delete all of my work and then dox my full address, 
                ip and phone number (all of which was fake but the ip). He bans and blocks
                anyone who says his gf is ugly as he is so insecure because she is from america
                and he is from the UK. He is also insecure about his mental health as he tries
                to make fun of me for trying to kms.
                Vega is his only friend as any community he goes into everyone hates him.
                Lyre is 16 and Vega is 14 which is a bit weird in itself.
Personal Information:
Full Name: Ben Lloyd
Email: drkheartt@gmail.com
Snap chat: ben.lloyd04
Instagram: benll6yd
Alias: Lyre
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199062092795
Discord: lyre#0004
IP Information:
IP Address:
Location: London
His GF:
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/stufffies
Pics: https://imgur.com/a/7dpnlCR
