↠ Deanoned: Lunarelly (this is an old deanon, but we have updated the information).
├ NickNames: Lunarelly, TheLemdy, RespwnAnchor 
├ Fullname: Артём Васягин Игоревич 
├ Date of birth: 02.03.2006 
├ Gender: Male 
├ Phone: +79774392259 (old phone), +79164822378 (new phone)
├ Email: artem.vasyagin@yandex.ru 
├ Snils: 187-969-196 67
├ Geolocation
├ Contry: Russia 
├ City: Himki 
├ IP: 
├ School: 
├ School: Himki, school №18. 
├ School number: +7 (495) 575-01-88 
├ School address: Str. babakina, 1А, Himki, Russia 
├ School website: https://sch18himki.edumsko.ru/ 
├ Director: 
├ Name: Наталья Колесникова 
├ Address: 000000, Респ Кабардино-Балкарская, Прохладненский, Г. Гор.прохладный, Ул. Головко, Д. 415 
├ VK: https://vk.com/id443901494 
├ OK: https://ok.ru/profile/373919927868 
├ ICQ: https://icq.im/mousoch18@mail.ru 
├ Phone Number: +79653728708
├ Email: mousoch18@mail.ru 
├ Passwords: 425741, elfxf777, elfxf7777, whatever, kolesnikovane 
├ Socials Networks
├ Discord: Lunarelly#0001 
├ DiscordID: 427170967916118030 
├ Telegram: https://t.me/lunarelly 
├ TelegramID: 87294464 
├ Ok.ru: https://ok.ru/profile/555013677023 
├ Ok.ru: https://ok.ru/profile/567373900001 
├ Xbox: http://xboxgamertag.com/search/lunarelly 
├ NameMC: https://monitoringminecraft.ru/player/Lunarelly 
├ NameMC: https://minecraftrating.ru/player/Lunarelly 
├ Faceit: https://faceitstats.com/player/Lunarelly 
├ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Lunarelly 
├ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lunarelly 
├ QIWI: https://qiwi.com/n/LEMDY 
├ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lunarellyy 
├ VK: https://vk.com/id616321921 (Main) 
├ VK: https://vk.com/id301466781 (2 Main) 
├ VK: https://vk.com/id232153823 (Old) 
├ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lunarellyy 
├ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lunarelly/ 
├ GitHub: https://github.com/Lunarelly 
├ Klauncher: https://klauncher.ru/user/lunarelly 
├ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lunarelly/ 
├ VimeWorld: https://vimeworld.com/player/lunarelly 
├ VimeWorld: https://vimeworld.com/player/thelemdy 
├ VimeTop: https://vimetop.ru/player/lunarelly 
├ VimeTop: https://vimetop.ru/player/thelemdy 
├ Community 
├ VK: https://vk.com/club205329292 
├ VK: https://vk.com/club203662111 
├ VK: https://vk.com/weany 
├ VK: https://vk.com/etdz 
├ VK: https://vk.com/dragonfly_pe 
├ VK: https://vk.com/dragonflype 
├ VK: https://vk.com/antralia 
├ VK: https://vk.com/glowstonepe 
├ Photos 
├ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057862968156631190/i.pnghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057863706140213338/image.pnghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057862651411177542/HJcmsom9wOg.pnghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057862630221562006/2r-KETGZR34.pnghttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057860927975850024/QmOWVDI3930.png 
├ Fullname: Светлана Васягина Вениаминовна
├ Phone: +79169798567
├ Passport: 7312946117    
├ Skype:
├ Name: Светлана Васягина
├ Login: live:.cid.28ccd8bb17d4e3b8
├ Skype profile: https://transitapp.com/redirect.html?url=skype://live:.cid.28ccd8bb17d4e3b8?chat
├ Snils: 013-594-258 43
├ College: ПГСГА (бывш. СГПУ) '95
├ Company: ГБОУ СОШ № 1747
├ Date of birth: 15.09.1973
├ SberBank: 
├ Card network: visa (Traditional)
├ Card type: debit 
├ Bank's website: www.sbrf.ru
├ SberBank: 4276389314508403
├ Vkontakte: https://vk.com/id9219756
├ Email: sv.vasyagina@rambler.ru, vasyaginasv@example.com, vasyagina.svetlana@yandex.ru, iranvar@jandekx.ru, vasyaginasv-1_test@example.com
├ passwords: 9307174, Sv9307174, p23082010
├ Photo: https://pp.userapi.com/c9766/u9219756/a_e7f9048c.jpg
├ Brother: 
├ Fullname: Андрей Васягин 
├ Date of birth: 11.11.2004 
├ Vk: https://vk.com/id520536099 
├ Vk: https://vk.com/id489566763 
├ Photo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/999230650278223932/1057865632525320202/RlMZzgKfiY8.png 
├ Name of the school: Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Средняя общеобразовательная школа №18 г. Химки (https://sch18himki.edumsko.ru)
├ Fullname: Васягин Игорь Евгеньевич
├ Date of birth: 14.07.1973
├ Phone: +79774253775
├ Skype:
├ Name: Игорь (Yokel)
├ Address: Russian Federation  Москва
├ Login: live:abfc41420a873447
├ Skype profile: https://transitapp.com/redirect.html?url=skype://live:abfc41420a873447?chat
├ Education: 
├ СГЭУ(Учится в н.в.);СГЭУ,Институт коммерции, маркетинга и сервиса,1995;СГЭУ,Институт коммерции, маркетинга и сервиса,Коммерция,1995;Школа №32 с 1981 по 1990,1990;
├ School:
├ School: Himki, School №32
├ School Address: Общеобразовательная школа ул. Германа Титова, 16, Химки
├ Phone School: +7 (495) 592-95-92
deanon by: