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Created:Nov 13th, 2024
Created by: StarboardStudiosFans
Views: 240
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M I N I D O X . . i got too bored to finish it xx . . . . . . Special section of this dox devoted to his pedophile father! Who attempted to lure in a girl from online to rape her! . . . . . . From Being a Furry SBS Moderator to Being the Child of a Pedophile: Meet Lumpian, also Known as Randy Kamalani Solomon Jr . . . . Lumpian joined the ranks of SBS on April 17th, was fully doxxed within an hour of working on him (April 18th) and quit April 22nd. . . Following this, Lumpian went inactive for the next few weeks. . . . . . . It is believed that he adopted the pseudonym Josh Mala to distance himself from his father, . . who has an attempted child rape charge to his name, a name which he shares with Lumpian. . . . . Originally, the dox was finished in April, but I never got around to formatting and uploading it. . . - Res . . P.S. note: Posted by Stare, not read-over by Res . . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ P E R S O N A L ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . <<>> Name: Randy Kamalani Solomon Jr Date of Birth: 10/24/2002 Aliases <<>> ╚ Pseudonyms: Jane Mala / Josh Mala Gender: Male <--> Pronouns: He/Him ╚ Lumlumpian ╚ Joshy Loveu Sexuality: Furry ╚ Lumpian Race: White / Asian ╚ rjsolomon2002 >> Residing country: First Language: English ╚ Joshmala State: Hawaii ╚ Babbitgaming County: Honolulu ╚ WellBird City: Kapolei ╚ Loveu Zip code: 96707 ╚ Precious1129 ╚ ScribeOfPoen >>> Address: 92-990 Kanehoa Loop Kapolei, Honolulu County, Hawaii 96707, United States ╚ rsolomon_02 . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ S O C I A L S ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . https://web.archive.org/web/20240101000000*/plus.google.com/100091646700935760244 >> https://github.com/Lumpian >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012042/https://github.com/Lumpian >> https://www.youtube.com/@lumpian1713 >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://www.youtube.com/@lumpian1713 >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV5o3_e5dPhfdEvxGjVikUA >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012224/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV5o3_e5dPhfdEvxGjVikUA >> https://x.com/lumlumpian >>>>>> web.archive.org/web/20240801012359/https://x.com/lumlumpian >> https://www.twitch.tv/lumpian >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240101000000*/https://www.twitch.tv/lumpian >> https://www.roblox.com/users/2339081618/profile >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012805/https://www.roblox.com/users/2339081618/profile >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0VU9tIWp-vnhz6aDkrWgGw >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012720/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0VU9tIWp-vnhz6aDkrWgGw >> https://www.pinterest.com/rjsolomon2002/ >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012727/https://www.pinterest.com/rjsolomon2002/ >> https://medium.com/@rjsolomon2002 >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801012740/https://medium.com/@rjsolomon2002 >> https://pastebin.com/u/lumlumpian >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801013032/https://pastebin.com/u/lumlumpian >> https://www.reddit.com/user/lumlumpian/ >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801013104/https://www.reddit.com/user/lumlumpian/?rdt=63184 >> https://twitter.com/RandySolomonJr >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801013357/https://twitter.com/RandySolomonJr >> https://www.tiktok.com/@randysolomonjr1?lang=en >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801043202/https://www.tiktok.com/@randysolomonjr1?lang=en >> https://www.furaffinity.net/user/joshmala >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801043146/https://www.furaffinity.net/user/joshmala >> https://www.threads.net/@rsolomon_02 >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801013521/https://www.threads.net/@rsolomon_02 >> https://www.instagram.com/rsolomon_02/ >>>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20240801042033/https://www.instagram.com/rsolomon_02/ >> https://www.wattpad.com/user/JoshMala ?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?> >> https://mcuuid.net/?q=Precious1129.1 > UUID-T: 143a67f9ba96479a8bee6a3bcd00f90b > UUID-N: 143a67f9-ba96-479a-8bee-6a3bcd00f90b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> https://mcuuid.net/?q=lumlumpian lumlumpian 8/1/2023 > UUID-T: 5be99f57c96f4eb893708940895cf98e BabbitGaming 6/23/2021 > UUID-N: 5be99f57-c96f-4eb8-9370-8940895cf98e Joshmala Desteria ip username Joshmala uuid 5be99f57-c96f-4eb8-9370-8940895cf98e Desteria ip username Joshmala uuid 5be99f57-c96f-4eb8-9370-8940895cf98e Desteria ip username Joshmala uuid 5be99f57-c96f-4eb8-9370-8940895cf98e ------------------------------------------------------ Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: :awesomesauce Leak file: Shotbow.net 57k Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: :awesomesauce Leak file: Shotbow.net_46k_Cracked_April_2016.csv Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: ;Joshmala Leak file: MineHeroes_E-Mails_52.1k Leak file: MineHeroes_E-Mails_52.1k Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: 1659709,Precious1129,,f9d9f30b5c85d76daba26fc55a88d8be97f8d41cb3dc3cfce9fb862a5e43d148,d7e02ea5171d2a37bd8f5e302e007b9e4e0502f51e2688fe9442cb98c3179ba6 Leak file: Shotbow_1.05mil ?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?>?<?<?<?>?> Communities https://www.youtube.com/@valorrealm || https://valorserver.com discord.gg/valormc https://discord.gg/trading-value-community-1073630201084379196 discord.gg/starboardstudios . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ E M A I L S ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . > E-mail Address: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Gmail > > Google ID: 100091646700935760244 > > Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjWVxUdTmtvjVsvbZO3fjAIKaL3MOL_CYDkcv3hgq_aH0iy4c369 > > Last Updated: 2024-07-26 17:01:08 (UTC) > > Google Map(s): https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/100091646700935760244 > > Google Calendar(s): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=rjsolomon2002@gmail.com > > Google Plus: https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/ > Registered Website(s): [+] adobe.com [+] lastpass.com [+] pinterest.com [+] smule.com [+] spotify.com Skype > rjsolomon2002@gmail.com > https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:rjsolomon2002/public > live:rjsolomon2002 > Country code: US ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce! rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce!! rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce123 rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Joshmala rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:ae5gbLddVVrX4heW rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:awesomesauce rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:awesomesauce! rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:awesomesauce1 rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:awesomesauce11 rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:awesomesauce123 rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce11 rjsolomon2002@gmail.com:Awesomesauce11! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ╔═══════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- MinecraftDatabases ╚═══════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: 1659709,Precious1129,,f9d9f30b5c85d76daba26fc55a88d8be97f8d41cb3dc3cfce9fb862a5e43d148,d7e02ea5171d2a37bd8f5e302e007b9e4e0502f51e2688fe9442cb98c3179ba6 Leak file: Shotbow_1.05mil Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: :awesomesauce Leak file: Shotbow.net 57k Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: :awesomesauce Leak file: Shotbow.net_46k_Cracked_April_2016.csv Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Data: ;Joshmala Leak file: MineHeroes_E-Mails_52.1k ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- BlankMediaGames ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Encrypted password: $H$9KbvwOJlNijJxvWs.5bZaRW92bhQfS/ IP: Nick: Joshmala Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce ╔══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Twitter 200M ╚══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Registration date: 22.03.2017 23:07:48 Full name: WellBird Nick: RandySolomonJr Number of subscribers: 3 ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: ae5gbLddVVrX4heW Collection numbers: 2,4 ╔═══════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Zynga ╚═══════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Last Activity: 2017-11-21 09:04:35 Registration date: 2014-11-14 00:02:43 Nick: Rjsolomon2002 Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Last Activity: 2017-11-21 09:04:35 Registration date: 2014-11-14 00:02:43 Nick: Rjsolomon2002 ╔══════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Cloudata ╚══════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce123 Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: RandySolomonJr ╔═════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Wattpad ╚═════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Encrypted password: $2y$10$u3FUm96.NG.cLPnyzAZme.oKw378EeeBT5lRx9Ytqdx4GJbR0Y58O date: 2019-04-12 05:18:07 Full name: Randy Solomon Jr Nick: ScribeOfPoen Country: US ╔══════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Ga$$Pacc ╚══════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce Leak site: BlankMediaGames.com Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce Leak site: Shotbow.net ╔═════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- ShotBow ╚═════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Encrypted password: f9d9f30b5c85d76daba26fc55a88d8be97f8d41cb3dc3cfce9fb862a5e43d148 Salt: d7e02ea5171d2a37bd8f5e302e007b9e4e0502f51e2688fe9442cb98c3179ba6 Nick: Precious1129 ╔══════════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Gravatar scrape 2023 ╚══════════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Name: Randy Nick: rjsolomon2002 Surname: Solomon Jr ️Avatar: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e77907347f00990966e6ab4280899261 ╔═══════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- RobinHood ╚═══════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Last Activity: 8/10/2021 Registration date: 8/9/2021 Account owner: Robinhood ╔══════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- TeraBase64 ╚══════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: rjsolomon2002@gmail.com Password: awesomesauce X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X.X > E-mail Address: lumlumpian@gmail.com Gmail > > Google ID: 117177261480554459878 > > Photo: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjX19UtDF4uxNe1VbKfuspIMy2gDKs_bwue8jbp6OSc7i-c-QPo > > Last Updated: 2024-07-26 17:01:09 (UTC) > > Google Map(s): https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117177261480554459878 > > Google Calendar(s): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=lumlumpian@gmail.com > > Google Plus: https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/117177261480554459878* > Registered Website(s): [+] Spotify Skype > lumlumpian@gmail.com > Lum Lumpian > https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.496a9cccda3d6937/public > live:.cid.496a9cccda3d6937 . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ F A T H E R ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . 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X X K A M A L A N I X X /\ /\ >> xxkamalanixx@gmail.com xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com << =( ´ • ω•)= >> xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com xxkamalanixx@msn.com << / ͡ ︵\ >> xxkamalanixx@hotmail.com xxkamalanixx@sbcglobal.net << (人_____づ_づ >> xxkamalanixx@aol.com H I A N G R E C 2 ⠀⠀⠀ ⣾⣿⣦⣀⣴⣿⣷ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠛⣻⣿⠛⣿⣟⠛ >> hiangrec2@aol.com hiangrec2@verizon.net << ⠀⠀⠀⢠⣾⣿⡏ ⠀⢹⣿⣷⡄ >> hiangrec@aol.com << ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡟ ⠀⠀⠀⢻⡀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⣿⠛⠷⡞⠛⢳⠂⠀⠀⠀ kats!! ⠀⠀⠀⢰⡟⠛⣷⠾⣻⢷⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠘⣷⠑⡆⢳⡆⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢭⢓⠿⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⢰⡟⠐⢃⡞⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠈⢅⡹⡈⠿⡀⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⠉⣀⠏⡽⢁⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠘⣧⠐⡜⠣⠬⠙⠦⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⠼⠛⠶⡟⠐⠃⣞⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⣠⣤⠛⠛⠛⠛⣤⣍⡏⠁⠀⠀⣀⣀⠈⢻⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠟⠁⣀⣄⠀⠀⠈⣿⣩⣤⠛⠛⠛⠻⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ >> rsolomon2629@aol.com ⠀⢨⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣞⡇⠀⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠉⠁⠀⢨⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⢧⣀⠀ ⠹⢧⣀ sol0569@yahoo.com << ⢠⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣤⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⢣⣤⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⡄ ⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⣿⡏⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇ ⠸⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣤⣤⠀⠀⠀⣀⠀⣼⠇ ⠀ ⠻⢆⣴⣤⣤⣤⣯⣭⣵⣦⣤⣤⣼⣄⡸⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⢿⣾⣧⣤⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣤⣤⣼⣤⡼⠛⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ >>⠀⠀⠀apiimakakoa@yahoo.com⠀⠀⠀⠀<< ! ! ! D A T A B A S E S B E L O W ! ! ! ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ╔══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec2@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec2@verizon.net Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec@aol.com ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec2@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec2@verizon.net Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@msn.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@cfl.rr.com ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec@aol.com Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗-------------------------------------------- USA Consumer Optin 28 million ╚═══════════════════════════════╝-------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Date of Birth: null Address: 2060 puu pl 🇺🇸State: HI City: Wahiawa Postal code: 96786 Name: Randy Surname: Solomon Sex: null ╔═════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Cit0Day ╚═════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: listfire.com Category: Games Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: screenblaze.com Category: IT ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: screenblaze.com ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: listfire.com ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: listfire.com Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Leak site: myscreenblaze.com ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- TeraBase64 ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@hotmail.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu ️Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚════════════╝---------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@msn.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu ️Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@verizon.net-------------------------------------------------- ╔══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec2@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec2@verizon.net Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec@aol.com ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------hiangrec2@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: hiangrec2@verizon.net Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec2@aol.com Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@msn.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═════════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ╚═════════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@msn.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Telephone: 8086216589 Month of birth: 5 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2059 Puu Pl Street: Puu Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5080156 Longitude: -157.9992119 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI Year the house was built: 1953 House price: $450000 to $499999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786593299 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: eng Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $175000 to $199999 Credit card limit: 31500 Email: hiangrec@aol.com Postcode: 5932 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 Year of home purchase: 1979 ╔═══════════════════════════════╗------------------------ USA Consumer Optin 28 million ╚═══════════════════════════════╝------------------------ Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Date of Birth: null Address: 2060 puu pl 🇺🇸State: HI City: Wahiawa Postal code: 96786 Name: Randy Surname: Solomon Sex: null ╔════════════╗-------------------------------- ╔════════════╗-------------------------------------- Collection Collection ╚════════════╝-------------------------------- ╚════════════╝-------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Password: sol0569 Leak site: screenblaze.com Leak site: listfire.com ╔════════════╗-------------------------------- ╔════════════╗---------------------------------------------- Collection TeraBase64 ╚════════════╝-------------------------------- ╚════════════╝------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Password: sol0569 Password: sol0569 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@aol.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@aol.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu ️Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@hotmail.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@gmail.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@gmail.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@gmail.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@gmail.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Zynga ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Encrypted password: 65a2322f09ab5a0726ae663a439e5ead951df79b Last Activity: 2014-05-21 17:16:06 Registration date: 2014-05-21 17:16:06 Salt: 3a20ac4479827b2b23b58d0e4cbb3676c2ef84d3 Nick: RandySolomon1784 Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Password: Kamalani1 ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- BreachedForum Combolists ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Password: k@ma1an! Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Password: kamalani1 ╔════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- Cit0Day ╚════════════╝----------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Password: K@ma1an! Leak site: funded.com Category: Finance ╔════════════╗------------------------------ ╔════════╗-------------------------------- ╔═════════╗------------------------------- Cloudata Zeeroq AntiPub ╚════════════╝------------------------------ ╚════════╝-------------------------------- ╚═════════╝------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Email: xxkamalanixx@gmail.com Password: Kamalani1 Password: Kamalani1 Password: K ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ╔═══════════════╗----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ╚═══════════════╝---------------------------------------------------------- Email: xxkamalanixx@msn.com Telephone: 8086219789 Telephone: 7192141002 Year of birth: 1969 Street suffix: Pl Address: 2060 Puu Pl Street: Puu ️Timezone: 100 🇺🇸State: HI Cities: Wahiawa City: Wahiawa Latitude: 21.5082555 Longitude: -157.9993633 Description CBSA: Urban Honolulu HI House price: $2500000 to $4999999 Postal code (11 characters): 96786275260 Postal code: 96786 Nationality code: jew Name: Randy Surname: K Surname: Solomon Age: 52 Income: $1000000 to $1999999 Credit card limit: 2500 Email: xxkamalanixx@yahoo.com Postcode: 2752 Region: Honolulu Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 1 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ M O T H E R ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . <<>> Name: Sheila Mary Solomon <<>> Phone Number: +1 (808) 621-6589 Date of Birth: 04/13/1948 Date Of Death: 07/16/2020 (aged 72) >> Residing country: Gender: Female <--> Pronouns: She/Her State: Hawaii Sexuality: Straight County: Honolulu Race: Asian City: Kapolei Zip code: 96707 >>> Last Address: 92-1344 Panana St, Unit 203, Kapolei HI 96707 ----------------------------------sol0569@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------sol0569@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------sol0569@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------sol0569@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- USA Hige Leak ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Telephone: 4199750174 Telephone: 4199750174 Month of birth: 6 Year of birth: 1982 Address: 3062 County Road 124 Street: County Road 124 Timezone: 5 State: OH Cities: Chesapeake City: Chesapeake Latitude: 38.4505335 Longitude: -82.490194 Description CBSA: Huntington-Ashland WV-KY-OH House price: $100000 to $124999 Postal code (11 characters): 45619784562 Postal code: 45619 Nationality code: aam Name: Jamison Surname: L Surname: Martin Age: 38 Income: $45000 to $49999 Credit card limit: 4500 Email: amem2004@aol.com Postcode: 7845 Region: Lawrence Sex: M Number of bathrooms in the house: 2 Number of bedrooms in the house: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Acxiom ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Telephone: 4199750174 date: 2016-05-01 Date of birth(day): 6 Month of birth: 6 Year of birth: 1982 House number: 3062 Address: 3062 County Road 124 Timezone: E Religion code: P Language: E1 State: OH City: Chesapeake Latitude: 38.483000 Longitude: -82.450500 Year the house was built: 0 Postal code: 45619 Nationality: F Cats: Y Dogs: U Name: JAMISON Surname: L Surname: MARTIN Amount of children: 4 Link: comparemedicareplans.org Region: Lawrence ----------------------------------------------------------- SpecialKSpamList ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com IP: Name: RANDY Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Address: 2059 Puu PlWahiawaHI96786-5932 IP: Name: randy Surname: solomon Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Address: HONOLULUHI96813 IP: Name: randy Surname: solomon ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 Collection numbers: 1,2,4 Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: uv8w8tld Collection numbers: 2,4 ----------------------------------------------------------- CashCrate ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: noelani67 Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Encrypted password: noelani67 Telephone: 8083886802 date: 2008-08-25 Address: 94-1077 Lumi St State: HI City: Waipahu Postal code: 96797 Name: Randy Surname: Solomon A country: us ----------------------------------------------------------- Fling ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 release date: 2010-11-27 21:53:59 Registration date: 2010-11-27 21:46:31 Date of Birth: 1969-05-22 IP: Nick: 69hapaguy69 Sex: MAN Interests: FETISHGROUPSEXSEXUAL RELATIONSONLINE FLIRTINGOTHER Interested: WOMAN ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection #1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 Leak site: Zoosk.com [53,782,400] ----------------------------------------------------------- Zoosk 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Encrypted password: 8cbda3cb45f9aab4b4d16bb881c94638 date: 08-12-2012 Nick: hotgurlontheblock ----------------------------------------------------------- AdultFriendFinder 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Encrypted password: 1a6d57fa5cc2e17bc4694f23d8bd0061faf30881 Language: english Nick: rm_808Kane4Life ----------------------------------------------------------- MySpace ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 Nick: 509834656 ----------------------------------------------------------- Instant Checkmate ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Encrypted password: 0xFE9B2AFEAC404CC69B5B925B0DB1EF2A Registration date: 2012-06-23 22:31:59 Name: Randy Surname: Solomon ----------------------------------------------------------- Onliner Spambot ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Leak file: base_po_domain_mailinbox_3kk.txt ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection #2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: hotgurlontheblock ----------------------------------------------------------- TeraBase64 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: noelani67 Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 ----------------------------------------------------------- ShareThis ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: Sol0569@yahoo.com Registration date: 2010-09-08 17:46:47 Full name: Sol0569@yahoo.com Nick: 9fb10891efbcc9facfb29535a ----------------------------------------------------------- Adobe ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Partial password: 5 Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: EjO7Og6FoYS82csoVwU9bw== ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection of 7,651 databases ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 Leak site: 5500 ----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Email: sol0569@yahoo.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Ga$$Pacc ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: noelani67 Leak site: CashCrate.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Cloudata ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: noelani1967 ----------------------------------------------------------- Disqus ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Registration date: 2011-05-02 12:37:42 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pemiblanc ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Exploit.In ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: sol0569@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 ----------------------------------apiimakakoa@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------apiimakakoa@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------apiimakakoa@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------apiimakakoa@yahoo.com-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- SC Daily Phone ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 7192141002 Registration date: 3/15/2013 2:27 Address: 1813 bonforte blvd State: co City: pueblo Website: work-at-home-directory.com IP: Postal code: 81001 Name: randy Surname: solomon Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 7192141002 Registration date: 7/10/2013 15:08 Address: 1813 bonforte blvd State: co City: pueblo Website: hulu.com IP: Postal code: 81001 Name: randy Surname: solomon Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 8083886802 Registration date: nov 21 2012 5:03pm Address: 2059 puu pl State: hi City: wahiawa Website: studentsreview.com IP: Postal code: 96786 Name: randy Surname: solomon ----------------------------------------------------------- VerificationsIO ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 7192141002 Address: 1813 Bonforte Blvd State: CO City: Pueblo Website: brightsidetravel.com Company name: BLACKSAND Postal code: 81001 Title: executive officer Name: Randy Surname: Solomon Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 8083886802 Date of Birth: 2018-01-19 State: HI City: Wahiawa Website: careertrack.com IP: Postal code: 96786 Name: Randy Surname: Solomon Sex: female ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: 0fn6uxd7 Collection numbers: 1,2,4 Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Fling ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 release date: 2009-11-01 15:30:17 Registration date: 2008-04-03 19:30:38 Date of Birth: 1969-05-22 IP: Nick: HapaGuy69 Sex: MAN Interests: FETISHSEXUAL RELATIONSOTHER Interested: WOMAN ----------------------------------------------------------- SpecialKSpamList ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com IP: Name: Randy Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Telephone: 7192141002 Address: PUEBLOCO81005 IP: Name: Randy Surname: Solomon ----------------------------------------------------------- Ga$$Pacc ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila Leak site: Mate1.com Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila Leak site: Yahoo.com Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 Leak site: Yahoo.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Mate1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila Date of Birth: 1969-05-22 Nick: Apiimakakoa Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila ----------------------------------------------------------- TeraBase64 ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: 0fn6uxd7 Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila ----------------------------------------------------------- AntiPublic ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Collection ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: 0fn6uxd7 Leak site: 4400 ----------------------------------------------------------- Pemiblanc ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: 0fn6uxd7 ----------------------------------------------------------- Exploit.In ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: 0fn6uxd7 ----------------------------------------------------------- MIX Database ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: apiimakakoa@yahoo.com Password: sheila1 . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ H O U S I N G ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . 9 2 - 9 9 0 K a n e h o a L o o p K a p o l e i , H o n o l u l u C o u n t y , H a w a i i 9 6 7 0 7 , U n i t e d S t a t e s ---------------------------------------------------- F A C T S A N D F E A T U R E S Type: Single Family PUBLIC TAX HISTORY Year Built: 1978 Cooling: None Year Property taxes Tax assessment Parking: 2 Parking Spaces 2023 -- $864,800 +6.5% HOA: $571 monthly 2022 $2,841 $811,700 +21.5% Lot: 5,492 sqft 2021 -- $667,900 0% 2020 $2,338 -48.1% $668,000 -1.3% 2019 $4,502 +111% $676,600 +11% Bedrooms: 3 2018 $2,134 +1% $609,800 +1% Bathrooms: 2.5 2017 $2,114 +5.8% $604,000 +5.8% Appliances: Dryer, Range / Oven, Refrigerator, Washer 2016 $1,999 +7.1% $571,000 +7.1% Laundry: In Unit 2015 $1,865 $532,900 +8.8% Flooring: Tile, Carpet 2014 -- $489,600 +9% Total interior livable area: 1,450 sqft 2013 -- $449,300 +0.4% 2012 -- $447,300 +0.4% 2011 -- $445,400 +4.3% Total Parking Spaces: 2 2010 -- $427,000 -9.1% Parking features: Garage 2009 -- $469,600 -8.6% Exterior features: Other 2008 -- $513,700 -2% Has view: Yes 2007 -- $524,000 +2% View description: Mountain 2006 -- $513,700 +39.9% Size: 5,492 sqft 2005 -- $367,100 +24.1% Parcel number: 920200090000 2004 -- $295,800 +20.4% Architectural style: Contemporary 2003 $806 +4.3% $245,700 +11.3% 2002 $772 $220,800 Foundation: Concrete ╭◜◝ ͡ ◜◝╮ Roof: Other ( kats! ) Region: Kapolei ╰◟◞ ͜ ◟◞╯ Has HOA: Yes zᶻ HOA fee: $571 monthly ∩ ∩ ( . . ) . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . x . . . P R I C E H I S T O R Y Price history Date Event Price 3/3/2024 Listing removed -- Source: Zillow Rentals 1/22/2024 Price change $3,300 -8.3% $2/sqft Source: Zillow Rentals 12/24/2023 Price change $3,600 +5.9% $2/sqft Source: Zillow Rentals 9/26/2023 Listed for rent $3,400 +70% $2/sqft Source: Zillow Rentals 1/5/2013 Listing removed $2,000 $1/sqft Source: West Beach Realty, Inc. #1211876 12/6/2012 Price change $2,000 -13% $1/sqft Source: West Beach Realty, Inc. #1211876 10/27/2012 Listed for rent $2,300 $2/sqft Source: West Beach Realty, Inc. #1211876 ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 94-1077 Lumi St, Waipahu HI ---------------------------------------------------- Facts and features Type: SingleFamily Year built: 1966 Heating: No Data Cooling: No Data Parking: No Data Lot: 6,080 sqft Interior Bedrooms & bathrooms Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 4.5 Features Flooring: Carpet Interior area Total interior livable area: 2,985 sqft Property Features Exterior features: Stucco Lot Size: 6,080 sqft Details Parcel number: 940420610000 Construction Type & style Home type: SingleFamily Architectural style: Contemporary Materials : masonry Foundation: Concrete Roof: Other Condition Year built: 1966 Community & neighborhood Location Region: Waipahu ---------------------------------------------------- Price and tax history Price history Date Event Price 2/5/2016 Listing removed $758,000 $254/sqft Source: Keller Williams - Honolulu #201512809 9/3/2015 Listed for sale $758,000 $254/sqft Source: Keller Williams - Honolulu #201512809 Public tax history Year Property taxes Tax assessment 2023 -- $1,175,200 +14.2% 2022 $3,113 +13.4% $1,029,500 +11.3% 2021 $2,746 +1.6% $924,700 +1.3% 2020 $2,703 +1.6% $912,400 +3.6% 2019 $2,662 +3.2% $880,600 +2.7% 2018 $2,580 +5.9% $857,100 +5% 2017 $2,436 +3.8% $815,900 +3.3% 2016 $2,346 -0.9% $790,200 +4.5% 2015 $2,367 $756,400 +12.5% 2014 -- $672,600 +12.9% 2013 -- $595,800 +1.2% 2012 -- $589,000 +2% 2011 -- $577,400 -13.2% 2010 -- $665,100 -16.8% 2009 -- $799,000 +1.3% 2008 -- $788,800 +2.2% 2007 -- $771,900 +23.4% 2006 -- $625,400 +21.7% 2005 -- $514,000 +17% 2004 -- $439,500 +27.9% 2003 $1,108 +9.7% $343,600 +13.2% 2002 $1,010 $303,500 2000 -- -- 1999 -- $388,500 . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : ██████[ F I N A L ]████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . The reason for the paste being tiny is that Lumpian has already ran out of Starboard Studios! From his pedophile father, to his dead mother, Lumpian is the saddest moderator on The Wild West, since a healthy person wouldn't: >> Create a fake name to distance from your own father >> Leave the Moderator position in 4 days >> Quit TWW for 2 weeks purely because doxxed >> Have such impeccable opsec! (satire, if it wasn't obvious) >> Be a moderator for Starboard Studios. - stare . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . : █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ : . . . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . x . x . . ,ggggggggggg, dP"""88""""""Y8, 8I I8 ,dPYb, Yb, 88 `8b 8I I8 IP'`Yb `" 88 ,8P gg 8I 88888888 gg I8 8I 88aaaad8P" "" 8I I8 "" I8 8' 88""""Yb, ,ggg, ,g, gg ,gggg,8I ,ggg, ,ggg,,ggg, I8 gg ,gggg,gg I8 dP 88 "8b i8" "8i ,8'8, 88 dP" "Y8I i8" "8i ,8" "8P" "8, I8 88 dP" "Y8I I8dP 88 `8i I8, ,8I ,8' Yb 88 i8' ,8I I8, ,8I I8 8I 8I ,I8, 88 i8' ,8I I8P 88 Yb, `YbadP' ,8'_ 8) _,88,_,d8, ,d8b, `YbadP' ,dP 8I Yb, ,d88b, _,88,_,d8, ,d8b,,d8b,_ 88 Y8888P"Y888P' "YY8P8P8P""Y8P"Y8888P"`Y8888P"Y8888P' 8I `Y888P""Y888P""Y8P"Y8888P"`Y88P'"Y88