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in todays monthly post for new years i have doxxed a " Discord / roblox hacker " from Puerto Rico i know a random ass place to 
dox someone right? well i did this for a reason becuase he threatens people , fake extorts , larps clout , steals peoples info.

anyways lets get to the info 

> Name     ; Luis M Santiago Martinez

> alias    ; luis , gorilla gang baber

> Age      ; 18

> Ssn      ; 524xxxxx43

> Phone number ; 787-908-7531 

> Address Coamo, Puerto Rico   https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1069024886565113888/1069047875843129416/image.png?width=865&height=493

> 2023 Picture ( W haircut ) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1069024886565113888/1069048753656438906/IMG_0465.png?width=504&height=493