Dropped by *****
Reason for Dox: Pedo, sending pics of underage girls on twitter. just creepy in general.
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Jack Ferguson
Phone Number: 
DOB: 6/10/98
Email: jack.ferguson@turner-access.co.uk, jackf@manorviewhotels.co.uk
Alias: Creationz, Caz
*Location Information
Address: 44 Cathkin Road, Glasgow G42 9UJ, UK
Zip: G42 9UJ
City: idfk how the UK works shit confuses me
State: Glaslow
IP:- n/a
Country:- UK
Region:- United Kingdom
City:- Glasgow
Cable Company:- n/a
*Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: CazPsd 
Discord: Caz#9240
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoK3LuJxB1tkubitLWwWySQ/featured

Evelyn Dalton (aunt)
Nick Dalton (cousin)
Scott Ferguson (cousin)


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