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\          \/            \/      \/    \/     \/       \/\/              \/     \/     \/          /

Revenge doxx as this user has blackmailed me.

--------------------------------Personal Infornmation--------------------------------
Real name: Lucas Cooper
Age: 16
Date of Birth: July 17th, 2007
Adress: St Benedicts Priory, 37 Rhodes St, Warrington WA2 7QE, UK          **53.400170-Latitude / -2.586100-Longitude**
Sport: Football, https://www.warringtontownfc.co.uk
School: Unknown.

IP4V adress:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Wifi Password: Calvin&Manlia1
Discord username: drippybutsweaty
Discord ID: 1171815202388447332
Discord server: https://discord.gg/iA8d0LmJj
Discord server ID: 1141172524804238174

Instagram: Unknown.

Snapchat: Lucas_C16

LinkedIn: Unknown.

Email adress: Soon.
Father: Calvin Cooper
Age: 46
Date of Birth: March 1st, 1977
Job: Unemployed.
Income: Unknown.
Email: Calvin.cooper@gmail.com

Mother: Malia Cooper
Age: 41
Date of Birth: August 28rd, 1982
Job: Mail Officer - Part time
Income: $24.72/H - 296,64/W - 1.186,56/M 💀
Email: Malia1982@hotmail.com

Grandfather: Deceased in 2023.
Grandmother: Deceased in 2023
Uncle: Phill, Currently facing a 5 month sentence for vandalism & destruction of city property.
Aunt: Unknown.
Nude:                                       https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1133392768459350142/1174815267864461442/image.png?ex=6568f6fa&is=655681fa&hm=cd4f26ffd5ffb380a0af2e64ac3f35f9efaad6366040ed81a274e176405b7944&=&width=508&height=662
Shirtless Picture of person:                https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1133392768459350142/1174815425993916416/Screenshot_20231116_215510_Gallery.jpg?ex=6568f720&is=65568220&hm=5a077c4613f7c2af2cb44a311102983949e8894131de50ab9930c5681c2d18d5&=&width=415&height=662
Face picture of person:                     https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1133392768459350142/1174815639945351219/Screenshot_20231116_215445_Gallery.jpg?ex=6568f753&is=65568253&hm=691caacaa6a8cee5e83275efafb272c929107aaaecf5b839b632b9f164644d03&=&width=390&height=662

Note to the person: 
Please beware that this is a warning. If I need to make another one it will include your bank account, All your socials, Family pictures of you, 
Information on at which time of the day you are where, Information about your further family and more.
Please watch out what information you share online. Let this be a reminder for all of you.