--------------------ILINKED INVESTIGATION TEAM CORP------------------------------ Full Name: Louis Adamson Schools/Education: N/A Schools/Education Address: N/A Previous Schools/Education: Abbots Lea School. Full Home Address: N/A Friends: Chantelle Age: 21 Birthdate: N/A Phone Number: N/A Face Reveal: INSIDE OF HIS INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT Email: louisimpo@gmail.com His Devices: iPhone 11 iPhone 6S Social Media: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/louis_ado_/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/louispauladamson/ REASON DOX: -Tries to attempt stole my new debit card. -Mass reporting me on websites. Lessons: -Do not steal someones new debit card or we will swat on you. -Do not mass reporting on me or we will terminate your instagram account and raiding on you. --------------------ILINKED INVESTIGATION TEAM CORP------------------------------