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                                                ║ → 0x10 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║

   ⛧ 0x10 -> Introduction
Hi ye zusW


   ⛧ 0x20 -> Personal Information

   ⛧ Name: Luke Roysden
    [-] Details;
   ⛧ Nationality: Caucasian
   ⛧ Age: 16

   ⛧ Location: 4102 E Palo Verde Dr Phoenix Arizona 85018
    [-] Details;
   ⛧ Residents: Baron Roberts | Karen H Roysden | Andru W Roysden | Brunn W Roysden

   ⛧ Email Address': jamstqr@gmail.com | payment@jampaypal.email

   ⛧ Ip Address:
   [-] Details;
   ⛧ ASN: 22773
   ⛧ Route:
   ⛧ Name: Cox Communications Inc.                                                                   

   ⛧ Online Alias': 7WF, Jam, Jamstqr, racquetball


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         __. - !_!      | |    !_!  .,
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   ⛧ 0x30 -> Social Media
Here's his social media, go bully him . K thx <3

   ⛧ Facebook: N/A
   ⛧ Instagram: N/A
   ⛧ Twitter: N/A
   ⛧ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTbkeqAMWdjVxTGWyhfJyiQ

   ⛧ Kik: http://kik.me/Jamstqr

   ⛧ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/racquetball/
  [-] Details;
  ⛧ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125701800
  ⛧ Steam3: [U:1:251403601]
  ⛧ Community ID: 76561198211669329
  ⛧ SteamID URL: https://steamid.uk/profile/76561198211669329 

   ⛧ Paypal: business@jam.holdings

   ⛧ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Jamstqr | https://www.twitch.tv/agent_ben [UNCONFIRMED]

   ⛧ Discord: Jam#1000 | 776823357127524433 | <@776823357127524433> // 
   Jam#0069 | 793357557288796170 | <@793357557288796170>

   ⛧ Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/43790474/profile


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                                         " Going for the entire family tree " 

   ⛧ 0x40 -> Family

         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ⛧ Full Name -> Karen H Roysden 
         ⛧ Address -> 4102 E Palo Verde Dr Phoenix Arizona 85018
         ⛧ Age -> 75+
         ⛧ Occupation -> Professional/technical
         ⛧ Number -> +1 (602)-677-3764
         ⛧ Email -> Karen.roysden@aol.com
         +------ Social Media ---------------------------------------------------------+

         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ Full Name -> Andru W Roysden
         ⛧ Age -> 25-34
         ⛧ Address -> 4102 E Palo Verde Dr Phoenix Arizona 85018
         ⛧ Occupation -> Other
         ⛧ Number -> +1 (602)-369-6099 // 612-747-4995 | 419-402-4040 [LANDLINES] . [UNKNOWNS]
         ⛧ Email ->
         +------ Social Media ---------------------------------------------------------+


         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ Full Name -> Brunn W Roysden
         ⛧ Address -> 4102 E Palo Verde Dr Phoenix Arizona 85018
         ⛧ Age -> 75+
         ⛧ Number -> +1 (602)-840-9294 // 602-369-6099 | 602-677-3764 [ALL LANDLINES]
         ⛧ Email -> Broysden@aol.com    
         +------ Social Media ---------------------------------------------------------+


Yours Sincerely ~ Zus.
Need to contact the lord himself? Add my discord: zus#0001
Send shitexpress to this nigga.

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                            // Mess with the best, die like the rest.