Lisa Allen
age 48 
Current Address 1111 S 52nd St Philadelphia PA 19143 Philadelphia County Since May 2021
Phone Numbers
for Lisa Allen in Philadelphia, PA
(267) 861-4155 (Primary Phone)
Cavalier Telephone Mid-Atlantic LLC - PA
First reported December 2004
(215) 468-2216
Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
First reported March 2005
(267) 325-1891
Sprint Spectrum LP
First reported May 2021
(267) 861-0000
Comcast Phone of Pennsylvania LLC - PA
First reported April 2009

Email Addresses
for Lisa Allen in Philadelphia, PA

Previous Addresses
used by Lisa Allen
1411 N Montford Ave
Baltimore MD 21213
Baltimore City County
Recorded November 2000
2715 Federal St
Philadelphia PA 19146
Philadelphia County
Recorded March 2005
Home Phone: (267) 861-0000
2213 E Biddle St
Baltimore MD 21213
Baltimore City County
Recorded February 2002
1028 N Eden St, Unit 2
Baltimore MD 21205
Baltimore City County
Recorded February 2002
2324 E Eager St
Baltimore MD 21205
Baltimore City County
Recorded February 2001
1805 N Collington Ave
Baltimore MD 21213
Baltimore City County
Recorded November 1999

of Lisa Allen in Philadelphia, PA
Abdul Allen
Charles Allen
Eugene Edwards
Eugene Edwards
Juanita Wicks
Lisa Allen
Lisa Allen
Lisa Edwards
Antoinette Jackson
Betty White
Catherine Gordon
Cathy Allen
Cathy Allen
Christian Allen
Ciera Cartledge
James Jackson
Janice Grayson
Jerry Allen
Jerry Allen
Jerry Allen
Joel Allen
Show Less...
Juanita Allen
Juanita Jackson
Juanita Owens
Julian Allen
Keisha Jackson
Kofi Wicks
Lashawn Allen
Lisa Allen
Lisa Allen
Lisa Allen
Marc Gordon
Pamela Baltimore
Precious Jackson
Precious Jackson
Shawn English
Teresa Felton
Victor Velasquez
Winston Grayson

of Lisa Allen living at
1111 S 52nd St, Philadelphia PA 19143
Nathaniel Ceaib
(215) 729-6722
1109 52nd St
Philadelphia PA 19143
Christine Emper
(215) 632-1165
1113 52nd St
Philadelphia PA 19143
Nathiela Wainwright
1106 52nd St
Philadelphia PA 19143
Renee Hightower
1115 52nd St
Philadelphia PA 19143

Lisa M Allen is 48 years old. Currently Lisa lives at the address 1111 S 52nd St, Philadelphia PA 19143. Lisa has lived at this Philadelphia, PA address for about 10 months, after moving in around May of 2021. Lisa previously lived at 1411 N Montford Ave, Baltimore MD 21213, starting in November of 2000. Going further back, starting in March of 2005, Lisa lived at 2715 Federal St, Philadelphia PA 19146.

Public records do not indicate that Lisa M Allen is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Lisa: Abdul Allen, Charles Allen, Eugene Edwards, Eugene Edwards, Juanita Wicks, Lisa Allen, Lisa Allen, Lisa Edwards, Antoinette Jackson, Betty White and Catherine Gordon.

Lisa's current phone number is (267) 861-4155. This Wireless number was issued by 'Cavalier Telephone Mid-Atlantic LLC - PA', first reported in public records on December of 2004. Past phone numbers for Lisa include (215) 468-2216, (267) 325-1891 and (267) 861-0000. The primary email address for Lisa is Lisa has also used the following email accounts:,,, and

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Lisa M Allen?
Lisa Allen is 48 years old.

Where does Lisa Allen live currently?
Lisa Allen's current address is 1111 S 52nd St, Philadelphia PA 19143. Lisa has lived there for about 0 years, since May of 2021.

Who is related to Lisa Allen?
Lisa Allen is likely related to the following people: Abdul Allen, Charles Allen, Eugene Edwards, Eugene Edwards, Juanita Wicks, Lisa Allen, Lisa Allen, Lisa Edwards, Antoinette Jackson, Betty White, Catherine Gordon

What is the best phone number for Lisa Allen?
Lisa Allen's latest phone number is a wireless number at (267) 861-4155.

What is the best email for Lisa Allen? is the most current email on record for Lisa Allen.

Is Lisa Allen alive today?
Yes! Lisa Allen is living today.

Does Lisa Allen go by any other names or aliases?
Lisa Allen may also go by the following names or aliases: Lisa Allen, Lisa Edwards

Who does Lisa Allen associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Lisa Allen: Sharae Seals, Cassius Clay, Charlise Manuel, Devron Anderson, Hill Jasman, Tavon Manuel, Tiphanie Holmes, Alicia Harris, Charles Manuel, Porsche Morgan

Where did Lisa Allen live previously?
Lisa Allen was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 1411 N Montford Ave, Baltimore MD 21213 | 2715 Federal St, Philadelphia PA 19146 | 2213 E Biddle St, Baltimore MD 21213 | 1028 N Eden St, Unit 2, Baltimore MD 21205 | 2324 E Eager St, Baltimore MD 21205 | 1805 N Collington Ave, Baltimore MD 21213

What email addresses have been used by Lisa Allen?
Lisa Allen has used the following email addresses:,,,,,

What phone numbers have been used by Lisa Allen?
Lisa Allen has been registered with the following phone numbers: (267) 861-4155, (215) 468-2216, (267) 325-1891, (267) 861-0000

Is Lisa Allen associated wth any businesses?
We do not show Lisa Allen associated with any business records