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									   made by samet, Hakkai, OnilawZ, UC, Vampz
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Videos: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/945723706011942932/960937261837475840/Desktop_2022.03.31_-_18.49.32.14_Trim.mp4
Videos: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/945723706011942932/960937262328205312/Desktop_2022.03.31_-_18.40.38.12_Trim.mp4
Videos: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/945723706011942932/960937263372570644/Desktop_2022.03.31_-_18.38.09.10_Trim.mp4
Bild von tiktok user: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959122956011855953/960944216542961755/unknown.png 
Bild von ihrer Nummer: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/959122956011855953/960938417036865627/IMG_3849.png?width=312&height=675 
bild vor ihr haustür: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/959122956011855953/961293812003663922/IMG_3895.png
ihr schwester ist am rum machen wie sie sagt: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944744316218277899/961667415048060958/unknown.png
schul bild: https://mobil.rundschau-online.de/image/37456232/max/1920/1080/e051afe5b505f3ce5a00bdd43ee60332/sv/konrad-adenauer-hauptschule.jpg
└────────────────────────────────────━┿──┿━────────────────────────────────────┘   └────────────────────────────────────━┿──┿━────────────────────────────────────┘                                              
Name: Lisa
NachName: Schmitz
Adresse: gummersbach - bahnstraße 17 wipperfrüht
Schule: Hermann-Voss-Realschule
Nummer: 1575 3586420
Tiktok: rytsuiil.com
Größe: 1,63
Snapchat: hn.lisa
Insta: drliisaa
Discord user: rytsui#1955
schwester name: aenne
schwester alter: 18 bald 19
                                                            8888888 8888888b.       8888888           .d888                                        888    d8b                   
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IP Address:
Hostname:	p50860e5f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de
Internet Protocol:	IPv4 - Version 4
Types:	Public
IP Classes:	Class A Range
( to
Reverse DNS:
Blacklist Check:	Not Blacklisted (Clean)
[ Blacklist Check]
NS (Nameservers):	
dns20.dns.t-ipnet.de >>
dns50.t-ipnet.de >>
dns02.btx.dtag.de >>
secondary004.dtag.net >>
pns.dtag.de >>
dns00.btx.dtag.de >>
Location Details
Continent:	Europe (EU)
Country:	Germany   IP Location Found In Germany (DE)
Capital:	Berlin
State:	Nordrhein-Westfalen
City:	Bergneustadt
Postal:	51702
ISP:	Deutsche Telekom AG
Organization:	Deutsche Telekom AG
AS Number:	AS3320 Deutsche Telekom AG

IP Weather Station: Bergneustadt
Sky: overcast clouds
Temp: 9.4 ?C (max 10.9 ?C / min 7.4 ?C)
Wind Speed: 2.7 m/s
Wind Direction: 311.0?
Humidity: 87%
Cloudiness: 100%
Atmospheric pressure: 1006 kPa
Time Zone:	Europe/Berlin
Local Time:	11:40:09
Timezone GMT offset:	7200
Sunrise / Sunset:	06:54 / 20:09
Extra Information
Continent Lat/Lon:	48.69083 / 9.1405
Country Lat/Lon:	51.5 / 10.5
City Lat/Lon:	(51.0281) / (7.6545)
Language:	German
Speed:	Broadband (Cable/DSL) Internet Speed
[ Check Internet Speed For]
Currency:	Euro(€) (EUR)
IDD Code:	+49
Internet Anbieter
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf

% Note: this output has been filtered.
%       To receive output for a database update, use the "-B" flag.

% Information related to ' -'

% Abuse contact for ' -' is 'abuse@telekom.de'

inetnum: -
netname:        DTAG-DIAL16
descr:          Deutsche Telekom AG
org:            ORG-DTAG1-RIPE
country:        DE
admin-c:        DTIP
tech-c:         DTST
status:         ASSIGNED PA
mnt-by:         DTAG-NIC
created:        2002-01-08T09:31:27Z
last-modified:  2014-06-18T06:15:30Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-DTAG1-RIPE
org-name:       Deutsche Telekom AG
org-type:       OTHER
address:        Group Information Security, SDA/Abuse
address:        Deutsche Telekom Allee 9
address:        DE 64295 Darmstadt
remarks:        abuse contact in case of Spam,
                hack attacks, illegal activity,
                violation, scans, probes, etc.
mnt-ref:        DTAG-NIC
mnt-by:         DTAG-NIC
abuse-c:        DTAG4-RIPE
created:        2014-06-17T11:47:04Z
last-modified:  2021-02-22T13:35:19Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

person:         DTAG Global IP-Addressing
address:        Deutsche Telekom AG
address:        Darmstadt, Germany
phone:          +49 180 2 33 1000
nic-hdl:        DTIP
mnt-by:         DTAG-NIC
created:        2003-01-29T10:22:59Z
last-modified:  2019-05-14T12:55:19Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

person:         Security Team
address:        Deutsche Telekom AG
address:        Darmstadt, Germany
phone:          +49 180 2 33 1000
nic-hdl:        DTST
mnt-by:         DTAG-NIC
created:        2003-01-29T10:31:11Z
last-modified:  2019-05-14T12:56:39Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

% Information related to ''

descr:          Deutsche Telekom AG, Internet service provider
origin:         AS3320
member-of:      AS3320:RS-PA-TELEKOM
mnt-by:         DTAG-RR
created:        2014-07-16T06:15:02Z
last-modified:  2014-07-16T06:15:02Z
source:         RIPE

% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.102.3 (BLAARKOP)
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